Saturday, January 5, 2013

Communications in a "Modern" World

Telephone- please leave a message - no one answers anymore, email - some folks don't read their email or even have it, text messaging (dating, sexting, whatevering), tweeting, Facebooking, "snail mail" (which of late has really become "slug mail" - even turtles could beat the USPS, paging (almost a thing of the past), Skyping..and I'm sure there are even more methods - well, like face-to-face.  Meet at Starbucks, Das Bog, Dunkin Donuts, Caribou, and/or a myriad of other places.  Oops, I almost forgot IM, Chat - which may be perhaps the most dependable of all of thee above except that not everyone does that either.

So what's the point of listing all of these potential methods of reaching someone you want to reach.  Each has some advantages and disadvantages.  My problem is that even my kids, and there are only four of them - plus their spouses and various other family members - tend to communicate (or be communicated to) in different styles.  It is like being a detective trying to determine which is the best way to communicate with each of them.  For really important, future, family stuff I used to rely on the USPS.  Until we, Carolyn and I, discovered that the invitations to a party we sent out didn't get to most of them until after the party - which no one attended - occurred.  Lesson learned there - if you are mailing invitations - take them directly to the post office and not a drop box and get them out 5-6 weeks ahead of time, and RSVP caveat - which may or may not be heeded.  That was reinforced when we recently emailed and telephoned an invitation - albeit - only 10 days in advance - an invitation to a New Years Day open house - without an RSVP.  We were prepared - no one showed - what do you do with all that food and unused love???  It can be sad and disappointing.  But, in the end I have no one to blame but myself?? For not choosing the right method of communication.

These days - the person I communicate most with is Carolyn.  Well, we do live in the same house (though there are times when we have trouble finding each other in this house).  But, for the most part when Carolyn and I do want to communicate with each other it is not a problem.. I know all I have to do is find her for a face to face - or, call her and if (I do mean if) her phone is turned on and accessible - she'll answer.  Further, if I do leave her a message, she will always call me back. 

The next person that I most often communicate with is my LB - Mike.  He and I enjoy an on-line game (Mafia Wars) together.  And once or twice a day we chat while playing the game.  I love it.  LS - is on-line once in awhile too - so, makes it nice.

For the extended family, Facebook and a private family "group" makes a nice way to communicate - so I hear from the extended family fairly frequently.  The Martinez clan is pretty good at that - the Fahlenkamp clan less so. 

The bottom line for me is that for some occasions, get together s, parties and such -- pre-planning and making a communication plan (I abhor plans) may be the best thing to do.  I don't know - maybe I'm just "communications challenged".  Maybe I should just bug the kids with phone calls until they answer and get a commitment right then and there!  But, I know I hate that because we have a certain relative who does that and it drives me crazy... eventually though we do respond and the individual pretty much gets what they want.. but sometimes begrudgingly - so probably not the best way. 

I think the most important thing to remember is that no matter who we communicate - we usually are communicating out of love and a desire to be somehow closer to the one we are attempting to communicate - so don't give up Lanny.  It may be difficult to learn what is the best way to reach someone... but eventually you will.  And, if it turns out to be different for each family member or friend then so be it.... if you love em you'll make every attempt to communicate in the way that works best for them ...  that's love.  (but, like love, its still confusing, and sometimes frustrating!)

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