Wednesday, May 8, 2013

MYR 2013 - Golf day 2 -- Glen Dornoch and Oyster Bay

Off to an early start this morning - stopped for a quick breakfast at Mikey Dee's.  Glen Dornoch is in fantastic condition and is always a great challenge to play.. Uncle Bob shot a 39 on the front - I won't say anything at this point about the back 9.  We were the first group off.  It was like we had our own private golf course.  16, 17, 18 are some of the best finishing holes we play.  Number 8 is an awesome par 5 looking downhill to the Inland Watrway... an awesome view.  Today was a pleasant day - no rain, a bit of breeze from time to time and a pretty decent pace of play for down here.

After finishing at the Glen, we headed for Oyster Bay.  We've played Oyster Bay almost every year since we started coming down here.  A few years back we dropped it because it just wasn't "up to par" (no pun intended).  We put it back on the list and played it again this year.  We unanimously decided to remove it from our "play list"!  The course is always so  busy, double teeing both afternoon and evening.  while it didn't play terribly slow - it is till very disappointing from a quality perspective.

Oyster Bay still has some really beautiful golf holes - but that does not make up for the condition of the course.  On a scale of 1-10, Glen Dornoch is a definite 10 (my opinion).  Oyster Bay is about a 3 - for the following reasons.  The cart paths are in extreme disrepair.  The greens are awful - it is a very heavily played course - and many patrons do not bother to fix ball marks - some greens appeared to have equipment damage.  The sand traps were terribly inconsistent, many lacking more than a quarter inch or so of sand before striking solid ground.  I think the course is played so much that there is little time for maintenance.

One thing Oyster Bay still has is lots of gators to see - some pretty big ones.  I think the most exciting thing for me, today, was winning a match against Uncle Bob - first time ever!  Wahoo.  I also had some really good drives today, but my iron play was less than stellar.

We ate dinner at the Boundary House - a bit noisy this evening, but the food and service were not disappointing. 

Tomorrow we play Heathland and Kings North... should be a very fine day.

Next year, I believe we will be scheduling Heather Glen and dropping Oyster Bay.

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