Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Picture You Wished You'd Never Seen- Really, Don't Look Now - You'll Be Sorry!

The story follows the headline, and the picture is far down the page.  It is the day after Christmas, a most blessed and wonderful Christmas season.  We have two new grandchildren on the way.  Somehow grandchildren are a very special blessing.  Partly, I think, because the kids see value in having kids - which means we brought them up well and we are so happy to be able to say that.

We took down a lot of the Christmas decorations today.  The indoors is done we just have to store all the boxes and trees for Christmas that will come in about 365 days.  We have the Martinez family Christmas party on Saturday.  I could say a few things about that, but those thoughts are better saved for another day.

Today's grateful list:  1) I'm grateful for a very attractive, attentive, active, awesome wife!  Carolyn is such a special woman! 2) I'm grateful for salmon patties.  A lot of folks don't like canned salmon... but, I gotta say I do love a good salmon patty.  3)  I'm grateful for the sound of the fish pond - and yes, there are still three fish living in there - even through the winter.  It has been frozen over twice already this year, but the bubbler and the pond heater keep a goodly portion of it ice free.  4) I'm grateful for the spacious home that we have to share-though we are having discussions concerning the need for all of this space!  5) I'm grateful for my health and I will very much continue to maintain my health and a very healthy life style!

And, here is the picture from the headline!

Yup, I enjoy a great bubble bath from time to time - TMI - Oh well, I told you not to look!

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