Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It IS a Bit Like Journaling

What can I say?  I don't tend to write much of late... Last night (evening really) was special.  We were able to spend time in Steamboat Springs with Chad and Wendfal.  We were learning to play Dominoes, and though I don't think we were playing it quite according to the rules of Hoyle.. we did have a very wonderful - laugh filled evening.

This morning there's fresh snow on the ground.  Denver was supposed to get some as well.  I wonder if the men's club is going to get a round of golf in yet.  It is May 1st and we have only gotten one round in so far. 

I did get to play at Fox Hollow yesterday.  First time in many years.  All three of us played rather well and it was a chilly, but beautiful morning.

I don't think Carolyn and I will  be going for a walk to the Fish Creek Falls today.. so we'll have to head to the "exercise room".

Oh, Hailey was selected to the National Honor Society for math... awesome. 

To anyone out there who may happen on this "blog".. Have yourself a wonderful day full of wonderful moments, there truly is no other way.

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