Saturday, December 14, 2013

A Knock At the Door

Our doorbell goes off from time to time.  I think it is Casper.  Well, really, we go to the door and no one is there, but the door bell clearly rang.  Anyhow, the best knock at the door is when one of the kids or grandkids come just to say hi.  It is an awesome event. Today was our annual Cookie decorating fete.  Pictures are posted on my Facebook page.  Rosana and Kairi were the first to arrive, followed by Wendfal and gang, then Jeremiah and Xavier and finally Heather and kids -sans Brooke and Megan who had other obligations for the day.  I'm grateful for all door knocks or door bell ringing-except for Casper.  It really happens ( I secretly know why, but no one else understands the phenomenon)! Kindle was the last to come... it was surely great to see her!  I could be wrong about the order of arrival - so please just forgive and forget!

So that is number one on gratefulness- number 2- I'm thankful for great cookie and frosting recipes.  3-I'm thankful for card games that can be played with Carolyn and the grand-kids.  4- I'm thankful for slots that don't cost money - I'd be in trouble if I headed for Blackhawk every day!  5- I'm grateful for Mafia Wars and Facebook friends - they certainly keep life very interesting.  Also I got a note from Social Security today that I'm getting a 1.5% raise in January.  Wow - real cause for celebration.

The food and company was really wonderful today.  There were lots of beautiful cookies completed and lots of excellent potluck contributions.  Thanks all for a really great day. Picture included:
Unfortunately, Carolyn is not in the picture-- somebody had to take it!  Life is great, live your moments, enjoy them - smile and make someone's day.  Heather told a story today that blew my mind.. I wish I could share it, but that isn't my place.  Thanks for sharing our day!  Happy Holidays.  We sang "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" with an every decreasing choir of angelic voices.!!!

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