Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hmmmm - Showers

I don't know why and this is probably TMI - but I like to take showers... Love it.. i probably take to many.  Hey I even played some of my best golf in the rain.  What is it about showers and rain.  They cleanse, wash things away - more than just dirt I think.  A shower is like a renewal and a re-baptism.  It wakes one up to be open to all the available events and moments.  Carolyn thinks it has much deeper meaning than that. Like there was something that happened in my past and the showers help wash it away when it comes into my subconscious.  She may be right or I may be right, or, we both may be right. 

This "enlightenment" reminds me of a picture I took from our car window when we were driving to Iowa.  Of course, I know what I see in this picture.  What do you see?  It is absolutely beautiful, as is life, absolutely beautiful.  These are the kinds of things you see when you are "in the moment".  I'm thankful for each and every one of them.

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