Sunday, December 8, 2013

Brrrrrrrrrrrr and Snowing

It is cold, very cold.  Bottom line, I'm not spending much time outside today.  (I'm also going to try and not using any dashes in this post!)  Carolyn is likely in heaven this morning, getting ready for some of the grandkids and a few others to come over and help decorate Christmas trees and cut cookie dough into shapes for cooking and then decorating next weekend.

I'm looking forward to a day of relaxation and football. I'm also attempting to work my way through this stack of paper in front of me.  I don't think I've ever properly learned the art of read it once and take care of it.  The consequences are years worth of things that I've not dealt with.  Well, that is changing.  I am making progress.

1)  I'm grateful for all of the above.  2) I'm grateful for a warm home and a wonderful lady to share it with! 3) I'm grateful for those that come and visit and enjoy the home with us.  4) I'm grateful that I can still relax and enjoy so many different diversions. 5) I'm grateful for those sliders that help me move the furniture around without a lot of help, really, I am!

The Broncos will be playing in some really cold weather today!  But, I think they'll do just fine against the Titans.  Enjoy your day today!  Time for a drink!

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