Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My Last Blog of 2013

It has been a great year - lots of travel, fishing, golf, gaming, grandkids, kids, family and much more!  The Martinez Family Reunion was held in July - great turn out.  Met some more of our neighbors.  Chad has become a Real Estate Broker Associate - Autumn graduated from culinary school - Haley is taking honors in school, Brooke made the All American Cheerleading Squad.  Chad and Xavier became engaged and have a child due on or about the sixth of January.  Kindle and Drew are having a baby - these are just a few of the wonderful events that have occurred this year! Oh, yah, Wolfgang has a new girl friend after about 3 years with Sarah.  We met Casey during the cookie decorating. Kairi introduced us to the card game Phase 10 - it is good to be playing cards again.  Trenton and Wolfgang went to Canada with me in July great trip with the grandsons.  Wendfal continues to be a great personal trainer! Jeremiah lost his job at Zumies and got a job at Tillies.  Heather and Eric and their clean continue to be happy and joyful - and have 5 exuberant and talented children. Can't wait to get sons and their sons and dads up there for a wonderful trip. Fished Table Rock Lake - with a guide - never had a guide before - well, Lana Babes has always been my Press Lake guide.  Carolyn continues to grow, learn, explore and attend UFO conferences whilst I hang out at Big Cedar Lodge or elsewhere. /and how could I forget the Class of 63 50th reunion for Montezuma High School. And we celebrated family for the holidays at Dora's.

I also lost my youngest brother this year - Lewis James Fahlenkamp - he died of Chicken Pox - his immune system was wrecked from Chemo treatments for cancer - I did get to take him fishing at Jacque's pond a few months before he passed.  He was named after mother's two brothers.  James (Uncle Jimmy) and Mum are the only two surviving of six children of my grandma and grampa Collins. Mum is doing okay - she turned 91 this year.

I'm sure much more has happened, but these are the things that stick in my mind at the moment and I tend to be in the moment.  I know I've missed some things.  Ah well!

I don't make New Year Resolutions, but I do set goals. I've set and documented a couple....  I hope you had a fabulous 2013 and are looking forward to a wonderful 2014.  Oh yah, I found a few great new inexpensive wines!!!!

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