Monday, January 21, 2013

Treasured Moments

There are 86400 moments - if you define a moment as one second - in a day.  That's a lot of moments - many of them can be considered "treasured moments".  I think it really depends on your perspective.  Any given moment is experienced by an individual, a group of individuals, a crowd, a world - like the moment the shot rang out that killed JFK - it is a moment I will never forget.  There are those special moments that only an individual experiences - like the moment I looked into Carolyn's eyes when I declared "I do" at our wedding...

There are moments shared - a first kiss - the birth of a child - and not to be trivialized, but the moments shared with a family when catching the big fish as a child.  These are treasured moments.  I think one treasures those moments by remembering them - not dwelling in them, but remembering them..  My most treasured moments are those moments that I can share with someone - especially sharing them with Carolyn or one of our children or grand children.

I also treasure those moments I share with my siblings - my mom - ...  I'll never forget the time she shared with me, guiding me when I tried to enter drawing contests, scolding me when I misbehaved.  I recall more of those moments when I see it is difficult for her to remember some of them. 

I don't intend nor do I desire to get maudlin as I write - it is just that sometimes..... like right now, I get lost in them - with a sense of joy. 

Treasure your moments....  live them to the fullest.... share them when it is right to share them - hold them close when it is right to hold them close!  Be yourself - love yourself - life is good!

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