Monday, September 16, 2013

What, Monday Morning Again

Well, it just happens to be Monday morning once again.  A whole week has passed.  It has mostly rained every day since last Wednesday.  At our house we got a total of 10.5 inches.  The saga of the lawn goes on.  I'm losing patience with Hoang - but he is such a hard worker.  I guess I'll all him again this morning and see what the heck is going on  I got all the sprinkler heads changed and the outline for the tree surround prepared, hauled the bricks to the front... now I'm just waiting. 

The guys cancelled golf this morning - I guess no one wants to play on a flooded golf course - however some courses are open, so what is up with that.  Oh well, I've got plenty to keep me busy. 

This will be an eclectic diatribe.  I don't know what it is with me and printers these days.  I can't keep the wireless printers connected, I never have enough ink.... come on now something has just got to work.

I've been working on photos now for several weeks.  Yesterday, during the Bronco's victory, I entered what seemed like a couple of hundred birthdays on my Google Calendar - this to help me date some photos.  These were photos taken before cameras were digital and when we didn't have the sense to document time and place.  It makes for interesting detective work though. So, now I'm trying to list and print all the birthdays I entered.  One would think that would be easy --- NOT!  Thank you ctrl c and ctrl v.   We did it!

Well, I guess this is it or now.  All the kids and grandkids are safe. Time to call Mum... Please enjoy your day and all the moments in your day!

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