Monday, September 23, 2013

And Yes - It is Monday Morning Again

We got another inch or so of rain last night.  Nice night to get it, because I cleaned the fish pond yesterday - still have three live fish in it.  Go Chester!  No golf today but will be able to play on Wednesday.  So, a new project.

We are trying to identify all the trees in our yard and on our morning walks.  I'm going to put pictures in my blog - one tree at a time we'll be able to to get this done. This one is outside our kitchen dining area.  The berries turn red in the fall - the squirrels feed on the berries all winter long.  The picture doesn't show them well, but there are very sharp one or two inch thorns ever so often on the limbs.  You can see that the berries or fruits grow in little clusters.  If you kno what it is, get back to me please.  (No prizes- just a thank you).

Supposed to get a little rain later this afternoon - we don't need anymore rain for awhile.  The ground is saturated.  Beautiful cool breeze this morning.  Have an awesome day!

7:54PM - found it on-line it is a " Common Choke Cherry"

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