Tuesday, January 29, 2013

So Far, So Good

Well, here I am in Iowa once again.  Going to be spending some time with Mum and my Sibs - of course I'll be missing the lovely Carolyn!  She, me thinks, will be very busy while I'm here, probably even busier than when I'm there.

I drove through dense fog all day yesterday - taking only one travel day instead of too.  I find it very different driving a pickup than driving a car - I just don't get tired driving the pickup.  The fog has lifted a bit - but it is still hanging over us here at HoJac Acres.  The ice on the pond is almost black with goose droppings from the gaggles of geese that have wondered through and those that are hanging around hoping to steal food from the Runes (I'll have to learn how to spell that - these are not the alphabetical tiles that were used in ancient history - but a breed of duck similar to, but not a mallard.)

Last time I was here Charlie the Duck and I became good friends - he's no longer here - I think Jacque said a fox or something ate him.  Not a wonderful demise for such a wonderful bird-then again, nature has its ways.

During my stay I'm having to rely on a "Mobile Hot Spot" - we'll say how well that works.  I hope to do some painting (water colors), work out, lose a few pounds in the process - and do a lot of "reflecting".  This is a quiet place, even quieter than the neighborhood back home.  A wonderful way to enjoy wonderful moments!

Addendum: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rouen_Duck    the proper term and spelling for the duck is Rouen.  See the Wikipedia article.

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