Thursday, February 14, 2013


  • It has taken awhile, but I've drawn the conclusion that I'm really not a Twitterer
  • But, there are Tweeters I like to follow
  • Geese all face the same direction when the wind is blowing, doesn't make any difference if they are on ice, land, or water - no matter how big the flock!  Check it out some time.
  • It is worth getting up late on a clear night just to look at the stars
  • it is worth getting up early in the morning just to check out the sunrise
  • Ice is slick - even when you can't see it
  • Birds are interesting creatures
  • Love, live, laugh (I know it is not an original thought)
  • Carolyn is a treasure that I truly treasure
  • Mom is mom some days and I'm not sure on other days
  • Sometimes we disagree so that we can come to mutual agreements
  • Compromise is NOT always a good thing
  • Quiet can be good, but it can also be very disturbing
  • Feeling guilty doesn't accomplish anything
  • Follow your gut! (Intuition may be a better word)
  • Smile at folks, even strangers
  • Microsoft messes with more than your computer
  • Grampa Collins told a lot of "tall tales" that, as it turns out, weren't necessarily tall tales
  • Golf is a sport that messes with you - as you mess with it
  • It is fun to watch the wind
  • Kids
  • I hate lists so why am I making one?
  • Fishing - it speaks for itself
  • Philosophy - I get philosophical at the strangest moments
  • We are all a little bit crazy - some of us more than others
  • Happiness is a state of mind, body, and spirit
  • To live in the moment is to truly live
  • Sometimes I wake up exhausted!  It makes me wonder if reality occurs in my dreams or if the thing I think is reality is, in reality, a dream and that is why I wake up exhausted????
  • Tears can be shed for many reasons - or, for no reason at all
  • Did you know the lips have more nerve endings than any other spot on the human body?
  • Sex is a good thing (I know, maybe that is TMI) - but it was one of my thoughts - frequently is
  • No matter the time of year, trees are beautiful
  • I forgot to put out the trash this morning - ah well, wasn't much to put out - that's a good thing, not making a lot of trash
  • Sometimes I eat and I don't know why
  • Friends - I have some I love and I have some I can't stand but I love anyway!
  • Human contact - hmmmmmm (just a passing thought)
  • Imagination is interesting, I can't imagine life without it - or can I - but, that would be imagining
  • I like steak
  • and Alaskan King Crab Legs
  • and lots of other foods
  • In some instances precision is important in others, it is a total waste of time and resources
  • Love is
  • Laughter can turn things around for the good
  • Nuff said!

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