Monday, December 9, 2013

I'm Decorating Things - How Did That Happen

Yes - I've been doing Christmas stuff. Decorating, putting up a train, a tiny village, bringing out the "old style" music box and playing Longines Symphony Christmas Music - and various Christmas CD's.  I didn't think I'd get into this, but alas, I can't resist the holiday spirit.  I even have my Christmas type joker cap on.  So it isn't traditional - or serious, but it is me.  The "traditional" Santa hat was tried, but doesn't seem the same.
I'm seriously thankful and grateful for much more than 5 things- but that is the daily goal.  Please not the abundant use of dashes today -- I really got 'em going.  Dashes add a certain panache to writing - in my humble opinion.  Thank goodness for spell checker because I'm not quite the speller I used to be.  So: 1) I'm thankful for Scotch! Having one right this moment.  2) I'm thankful and grateful that my sister Lana and her husband Jack are paying us a visit in January - that's Awesome!!!!!  3)  I'm thankful for cold weather - it really makes one appreciate warm weather.  4) I'm grateful for more than one inch of snow - because then I can get my snow blower out and pretend I'm a heavy equipment operator! 5) I'm grateful for button cell batteries, but not grateful for the fact that there is seemingly an infinite number of sizes! Arggggggggg

Rosana posted pictures of some of the grandkids and faux grand kids making Christmas Cookie shapes for the cookie decorating this weekend.  A Fahlenkamp family tradition!  Hailey Dearman, Kairi Fahlenkamp, Dakota, Diego, and Tyler.  They had a really good time.  Lots of smiles and thanks Rosana and Grandma Lee for bringing them over and Heather for bringing Hailey.  Next Sunday is decorating Sunday - frosting everywhere and a great family pot-luck. I hope I used that dash (hyphen) appropriately.  Carolyn is in the kitching making Summer Sausage Chips - we'll see how those turn out.  It is the last of my Summer Sausage.  Oh well, it is Winter!

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