Saturday, January 12, 2013


Its lumpy, its filling, it can be plain, embellished, sweetened or not.  You can add liquid, or not.  They say it is good for your heart and lowering your cholesterol.  The quick oats are easy to make - steel cut requires more time.  Seems to evoke the name Quaker - though, there are many other brands. Cinnamon and sugar sometimes help.  Most of the time I just eat it plain, or with raisins or applesauce.

When I see it, it brings to mind stories where the kids and others talk about gruel.  It looks like a gruel.   By itself, it is kind of plain tasting - not much flavor -but I do like the texture for some odd reason and I don't mind eating eat without additives.  I think it appeals to my innate laziness - quick to make, easy to clean up after and a substantial meal.  There are times when I write about the silliest things - but I take some amount of pleasure in that.

When I was first in college I wrote a paper on the sensitivities and feelings of a blade of grass.  I have long since lost that paper.  For me, at this moment, it would make for some interesting background to my proclivity to writing much about nothing (I wrote a paper on that to - not in any way Shakespearean in quality)!

I'm going to change the look and feel of the blog again as I really don't care for some of the new formats such as mosaic and such.

I am looking forward to a lot of fabulous moments today... go Broncos - beat the Ravens!  Be in the moment, its the only way you can play the game! (and that means as much in life as it does in football)

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