Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013...

Speaking of "blank pages".... that well describes the year 2013.  365 blank sheets of paper ready to be filled with life's moments.  Those moments will (have already) include joy, sorrow, pleasure, pain, adventure, boredom, meeting new people, going new places, consciousness,  oblivion, sites that bring tears and sites that bring laughter.  So much that it feels like the proverbial "cup runneth over" - for it truly does.

I'm already thinking about reunions, Canada and fishing, Colorado and fishing, golf, golf, golf and more golf, Eureka Springs, Montezuma, kids and grandkids.... each day and each moment of each day a true celebration of life.

Someone reading this may think this guy is living in the clouds somewhere and has no clue what he is bantering on about.  To them I say... it is better to have no clue and discover than it is to think you know absolutely everything and go through life without the twists, turns, and surprises.

Love, ah love........  that to is a blank slate - we are in our 46th year of marriage.. and every single day is like a new adventure (though there are a few routines) -- but there are always surprises.  Thinking of my Carolyn makes me tingle all over with wonderment and happiness.  You should see the smile on my face!

So, bottom line, WAKE UP!!!!!

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