Saturday, January 19, 2013


Zap, crackle, sparkle, plug it in, turn it on, it works......  all of a sudden it goes out.  It isn't one of those short two minute outages or just a glitch...  I'm lost without electricity.  What does one do.  I can only browse magazines and rarely read a book.  When the battery on the laptop goes dead I can't listen to books on audio.  With no "Hot Spot" gizzmo I can't get on the internet... Electricity is my friend.  I need it.  I need for all those things that I expect to work properly when I flip the on button or send the voice command.  I need it to access the internet.  Thank goodness the battery back up on the garage door opener worked this morning.

Starbucks, coffee, internet, electricity (only one outlet at this one - weird).  Claim my spot and life is good again. Of course, I could have just taken a nap or went for a long walk.  Carolyn did.  Went for a long walk that is.

Have a great day - enjoy your electricity and all it gives you!

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