Friday, December 6, 2013

Oops again... So What!

All I can say now is that I'm not the dedicated person you thought me to be.  No discipline at all.  But hey, I'm here aren't I.

The Gratefulness documentary: 1) for passion, what is life without passion!  2) for smiles - they do so much for everyone! 3) for a great brew in the morning and for some Irish Cream to warm the soul  4) for laughter - it take so much sorrow away  5) for tears - that seem to be shed for no reason - but usually for love of some kind!

Yup, yesterday was one of those really awesome (if not cold) days.  We got all the Christmas stuff down from storage and staged.  Carolyn even got some of it put up!  Good for her.  I was too lazy and just took a nice long tub!  We got a lot accomplished yesterday.  I feel good - no, I feel great.

You all have a really wonderful day - I know I will.  (I notice I've used a lot of dashes of late!)

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