Friday, December 20, 2013

Elves Make Fudge Too

I made some "Easy to Make Fudge"!  Good stuff!  I'm grateful for fudge-but, and this is the big butt - I tend to eat too much of it, so giving it away! Now that is a lot of fudge.  Carolyn and I toured the town yesterday.  We had lunch at PF Changs.  I'd pass on the Beef Ala SuSchuan - not much there, especially for the lunch serving - and little did I know the beef is served extra crispy and chewy as leather  But, the flavor was fantastic. 

We went to Park Meadows, still one of my favorite Colorado indoor malls.  A really great place to walk.  We also finally bought a Mandoline.  Now I can make those summer sausage chips 1/16" thick.  Hard to find a Mandoline that does 1/16" slices.  I'll find out this evening how well it works (or doesn't).

Carolyn has put together neighbor treat boxes.  I'm grateful for neighbors-we do have great neighbors surrounding our home. The temperature has dropped about 30 degrees (notice how adroitly I change the subject).. yesterday it was a balmy 60, this morning a cool 20 - I guess that is a 40 degree drop.

I'm grateful for Christmas lights, though sometimes I don't necessarily enjoy taking them down and putting them away.  I'm still looking for an electric train.  They are almost impossible to find.  I'll have to spend some time exploring the internet next year.  I'll have to see if Mum still has some back home.  Maybe she does.  Dad used to put one around each tree.  I'm grateful for those memories.  Although, when I left home they were still doing only one tree.. I think some years later they had as many as 6 or 7 differently "themed" trees.

We have personal training this morning.  Sometimes I look forward to it, sometimes (Like Today) I'm kinda not looking forward to it.  I will be happy after I've finished it though.  Today should be an interesting and challenging day full of joyful and funny moments. 

Happy Holidays!

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