Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tribute to Mommy - by Hailey J Dearman

Happy birthday to my beautiful mommy :) I couldn't ask for a better mom than her because she's simply the best. She brightens my day just be being around ♥ (hmm except when she wakes me up for school in the morning!) but other than that i'm so proud of her and everything she does for me and the family! This place is really chaos without her! I just hope she realizes how much she means to me. Can't imagine life without her. She's one of the strongest most influential people I know. My favorite quality about her? The way that she can keep smiling and laughing even when times are tough :) Love you mommy ♥
Afternote:  I could not pass posting this.... I am so proud of my children and grandchildren... and many times blessed by them and their love for each other.

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