Saturday, December 7, 2013

A Tree, A What, A Tree

So, we get a tube, about 3" in diameter from Lowe's.  A Christmas Calendar I'm guessing.  Nope, it is a Colorado Blue Spruce - about 7" tall -  a course I need to go buy a pot, soil - you know.. plant the damn thing for the winter.  Come on Lowe's what's with this -  surely you don't make that much on pots and potting soil -- Its winter for goodness sake.. What are you thinking?????

But, I guess I can count trees as one of the things I'm very thankful for.  I do love trees.  But, I'm much better with established trees than I am with "new" trees.  WE'll see if I can keep this thing alive over the winter.

So - what else am I grateful for today - well - my Jacuzzi tub - love laying n the Jacuzzi for 20 minutes.  I'm also grateful for being able to see Brooke's last cheer championship at the Denver Coliseum  yesterday.  Congrats Brooke.. Hope to see you cheer at a basketball game.  I'm also grateful for Schwan's Hot and Spicy Chicken Breast - makes a great sandwich really quick.  What else - I need 5 a day you know.  Well I'm grateful for my new ASUS laptop.  I've really enjoyed the touch screen and the long battery life.

Ya know, I have not been philosophical at all of late.  I don't know why that is.  I've got a lot on my mind - maybe it just isn't of a philosophical nature.

Put three Christmas trees together today.  I'm leaving it up to Carolyn and grandkids to decorate them.  I'm really not into decorating. Perhaps though, I will put the little village together - perhaps.  Enjoy your holiday moments!  I know I'll be enjoying mine.

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