Thursday, August 29, 2013

Behind on Practically Everything - So, Who Cares

For a guy who abhors lists - I sure make a lot of lists.  Here's one of them:

A couple of things on my mind:
  1. when the sun comes through the window it reveals places I missed when I last dusted  
  2. A slow computer is better than no computer, but barely 
  3.  I'm in a cleaning mood - starting with the garage 
  4.  coffee is always better when it's Irish style  
  5. one hour of cleaning is enough.. the rest can wait for tomorrow!  Have a great day!
A few things I have not started or completed:
  1. MYR Golf Trip report - woefully overdue
  2. New floor in the Laundry room and guest Bathroom
  3. Stain and or do the mini-deck -  never done that, not looking forward to it, but it should only take an hour or so
  4. What to do with the Plasma TV

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