Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Drop in The Ocean

It boggles my mind how big and full this earth of ours is - and then the universe!  It is just too much to think about!  Truth is I probably shouldn't think about it because doing so will make my brain ache!  That is why, for me, quiet time and emptiness seem to be important  - always has been.  The solitude makes it easy to reflect and meditate (which by the by I don't do enough of).  I am truly grateful for those moments when everything seems to just "be"!  There is nothing that can intrude on that feeling and that moment.  I think this morning is full of little moments like that!

I'm sure this doesn't make any sense to anyone else who might happen upon these words.  Heck, on reflection I'm not sure they make any sense to me.  I had trouble sleeping so I got up.  Maybe it was the black beans or pico that I ha for supper-maybe the last minute Cherry Zero I'm so fond of.  I'm not sure how much caffeine is in one of those drinks - maybe quite a lot.

So to continue: 2) I'm grateful for the occasional times Carolyn and I dine out together - nothing fancy, but usually wonderful conversation. 3) I'm grateful for the reflections on folks who were once friends - but somehow let slip from my consciousness and still wonder how and where they are - the ones I think to think about the most are the guys I went through fundamentals with at Lowry AFB - "back in 65".  Seems so long ago.  I look them up on Facebook from time to time but sometimes I wonder if I'm one of the few of those fellas on Facebook.  But there is Joe and Don and Paul (didn't go to fundies with Paul - Don either) but they were Air Force guys.  I don't think much about the kids from high school and I don't quite know why that is, nor do I think a lot about relatives - interesting.

It is almost as if I live in a world - alone!  But I know I don't.   (On with it Lanny.) 4) I'm grateful for a fresh cup of coffee and a two eggs and bacon breakfast!  5) I'm grateful for moments like this!

Have yourself a wonderful and interesting day - smile at others - be kind!

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