Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fitness - It is Never Too Late!

Wendfal Total Fitness --  A couple of years ago I was a rather large and happy 232 lb over-weight (let's face it, morbidly obese diabetic)!
You Get the Picture

At this moment I am 182 lb's and off all my diabetes meds, and, in excellent physical condition!  I'm also 68 years young.  My golf game has improved from consistently shooting in the low 100's to consistently shooting in the mid 80's - I even shot a 76 the other day, the best game I've ever had in my life.  I have improved my stamina and continue to improve my physical condition.  This has been achieved by setting goals for weight loss, and physical training.  My personal trainer is Wendfal Fahlenkamp of Wendfal Total Fitness.

After Weight Loss and Training
I owe a lot of these changes to myself, but I also owe a lot of thanks to a personal trainer that knows her stuff!  Wendfal keeps my weekly training sessions interesting, challenging, beneficial, and thorough.  She has the skill and talent to recognize where I need work and how much I an be challenged without frustrating me.  Yah, sometimes a complain and whine that she pushes me too hard, but - she never pushes beyond what I am capable of.  My improved physical condition is due to these regular workouts and challenges.  I get homework assignments - especially stretching ( which I hate to do - but more and more see the benefits of)!  I appreciate Wendfal's patience and high level of professionalism when working with me.  She regularly re-evaluates where I'm at physically and designs workout sessions to help me continually improve.

Have you ever done a plank - wort of like the beginning of a push-up, but holding it there as long as you can.  When I was first evaluated I could do it for maybe 45 seconds!  Yesterday I held it for a few seconds past 3 minutes - wow!  Now, that may not seem like a long time to you, but try it and you'll see.  I've also seen improvement in my flexibility and focus.  I really appreciate that my training sessions are not some standard set of exercise routines that are scripted for everyone and applied to me, but the sessions are specifically designed for me - and are unique, challenging, sometimes fun and sometimes not so fun - but always beneficial to the improvement of my emotional and physical conditioning and fitness. 

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