Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Already Missed A DAy....

I already missed one day and it has only been 2 days since I started - gratefulness that is.  Well, today, I can tell that I am grateful for the snow - even being able to go out and shovel it all on my own.  I'm grateful for love making - yes even at this age it is an important part of life.  I'm grateful for the beauty the snow brings - and for chocolate nuggets by Hershey.  Number 5 I'm grateful for chickens and the eggs the lay because I love a great egg or two for breakfast.

Other than that - I've got a lot to do today - new security lights at the old res... and fixing a crack in the tub  -- a crack in the tub.  HOw the heck does that happen -- wouldn't have with the old ceramic covered cast iron. FYI - I'm really excited about the beautiful Christmas Cactus that is in full bloom right now. 

CArolyn is busy planning the annual Christmas Cookie Fiesta - not too many weeks left.  Gotta fix the batter though because last year we couldn't tell what shapes they were.  This will definitely be a better year for that!

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