Thursday, September 5, 2019

Busy August 2019

We celebrated our 52nd anniversary by traveling to Germany. This picture was taken at Moonlake in Germany.  We had a wonderful dinner with 44 of our fellow travelers.  We spent almost 3 full weeks traveling.  Our favorite part of the journey was the last 5 days we spent with Uwe and his family in Kiel.  Kiel is a beautiful harbor town with a wonderful downtown area and really gorgeous places for morning and evening walks.  We learned so much from the Feldmann family and have brought back some wonderful ideas to help us simplify things a bit.  Ideas like simple breakfasts and homemade breads and oat mills and flour mills and simple decorations - evening conversations with a glass of wine, and afternoon tea and cakes (a very common tradition across Germany).   Flowers and Gardens

And now we are back to our adventures at home.  Our gardens continue to do well, the sunflowers are in full bloom, the morning glories are coming into their glory.  They seem to take forever to start, but once they do..... wow!  They have totally taken over the backdrop of the main Fairy Garden.  During our trip to Germany I found myself taking a lot of pictures of nature!  Things like, trees, tree roots, shrubs, flowers, farmer's markets and such.  I guess nature still grabs my mind and celebrates the wonders of the gifts of greens and colors and a myriad of shapes.  I was really taken by the vertical  garden at Uwe and Uta's back porch and the miniature trees in the window sills. I bought a Ficus Zen plant on return.  That is the start of my indoor tree collection - if only I can keep the Ficus alive!

I think I mentioned earlier the cooking course Carolyn is taking.  We are eating fabulous Plant Based Menu's and are enjoying the course together.  We share cooking, often working on meals together, but also preparing the complete daily menu alone when one of is very busy.  We have learned so much about cooking and food preparation and food storage - it is an exciting journey that we are taking together... a fantastic new and venture after 52 awesome years together - 54 counting the 2 years we dated before getting married!  Wow!  So, how did we get started on this new adventure.  We watched a movie called "Forks Over Knives".  At that point we started our Plant Based Diet.  A few weeks later we subscribed to the Forks Over Knives menu planning service - nothing has been the same in dining and eating since then.  Forks Over Knives Meal Planning Jeremiah, our son, even loves most of the dishes we are preparing!

And finally - golf season is coming to an end and bowling has started...... so many different things to enjoy and lots of precious moments to come!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Fairy Garden(S)

I started a project this year!  It was actually for Carolyn, but I have become seriously involved. We converted one of our box gardens to a fairy garden - and the project got serious pretty quickly.  Carolyn has selected some stones, houses, and plants.  We transplanted the green tree in the upper right hand corner from our box garden on the west side of the house.  We have subsequently moved other things around and added fairy like stuff all along the back fence of the property.  It is definitely a work in progress!  I get far more enjoyment out of it than I ever figured I would.

So, I started this particular blog about a month ago - and then I just got busy with gardening and finishing this fairy garden.  Bottom line, here is what it looks like now!  Complete with a working waterfall and stream.  It took a couple of weeks to get that one right - but it works beautifully.  So - here's a task finally finished and it is kinda awesome.  One more picture as of the current date!  I'm talking about the picture to the left.  We've added some details.  The trees are a bit overgrown, but Carolyn is busy taking care of that .  There's a new stone from one of the grandkids that say " believe".  It is kind of a thing around here.  Carolyn now has about 65 linear feet of fairy land.... and that doesn't include this specific fairy garden.  Enjoy your moments, they are so precious..... Like my grandson Bishop said yesterday when I said.. "Slow down I can't keep up with you!"  He said - "That is because you are very old!"  Gotta love it!

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Early to Rise!

Just another one of those mornings that I'm up and about pretty early.  It was about 4 A.M.  when my day started.  I'm getting geared up for a weekend on my own.  Jeremiah is off to a special adventure with friends to celebrate his OMG 40th birthday - really!!!!  They are taking him to Chicago and the Hotel Blake  (compliments of dad) - the rest of the trip from his friends.  He is really looking forward to getting away.  He has been working his butt off the past few weeks.

Carolyn is off to a Bruno Groening conference at some lovely place here in Denver.  I'll drop her off this afternoon - then it is three days of whatever and I'll even have the car!!!!! 

Our Monday golf league played a 2 person scramble yesterday at Springhill.  My partner and I took first place in our flight!  Our fellow golfers took 2nd place in in their flight - a pretty good day I would say!  I'm hitting my driver pretty well, putting pretty good, but need a lot of work with distance on my wedges.  I'm hitting the ball further than I expect to - so rolling off the big of the greens a lot right now.  I'll get it figured out!

Just a few more weeks of bowling - one or two Monday nights and one or two Thursday nights.  I'm not sure if I'll be bowling in a summer league as we will be doing a bit of traveling this year.

I'll probably spend the next few hours catching up on some projects with address books, birthdays, and anniversaries -- it all keeps me busy.  Good news is the spring yard work is almost done.  I've been working on the sprinkler system the past week - a few minor problems, but I think I've got them fixed - most of the problems were in the drip lines - and one problem in the back flow valve.  Home Depot had a new "bonnet" that is so much better than FEBCO's original poppet valve.  It installed like a breeze and will winter much better than the original.  (I think the problem I had this year was the factory assembly of the valve I put in a couple of years ago - the poppet was screwed in totally off thread. 

I couldn't resist adding a picture -  planted this little gem next to the KOI pond!  It'll provide some needed shade in a few years.

Well folks, I have a lot to do today, many moments to enjoy!  Enjoy your day and the rest of your week and life!!!!!

Friday, April 12, 2019

Weather Wise

It has been a very adventurous past few days "weather wise".  Temperatures have ranged from 15 - to 75 degrees.  Got the yard all cleaned up, areated, fertilized... ready for yesterday's snow storm- most of which will be melted away by the end of the day.

We are adding - I should say Carolyn is adding - a new fairy garden  One of the two box gardens will be dedicated to fairies (not gnomes) this year.  The height of the gardens will make it easier to give the garden the attention it needs.

Right now I'm deciding what to plant in the other 4 X 4 - micro greens for sure, and probably zucchini and radishes, maybe some dino-kale!

Wrapping up taxes today - the 15th is just around the corner.  Bowling season in one league is all wrapped up, two more leagues to go.  Golf season has started.  I'm going to play my first round of the year on Monday - weather permitting!  I guess that takes this diatribe full circle - enjoy your moments and be well!

Friday, March 29, 2019

5A.M. and Fixing Dresser Drawers?

I guess I come from a background of if it is broken - "git it fixed right now."  I think I got that from my dad.  But, at 5 in the morning?  Yup -- A few weeks ago I fixed one of Carolyn's dresser drawer glides.  I had been trying to "jerry-rig" the darned thing for weeks.  I couldn't figure out a good way to do it correctly.  The drawer would close at the top, but not correctly at the bottom.  I'm OCD about those kinds of things.  I finally gave up and went to my favorite resource for just about anything - Amazon.  Sure enough they had the hardware (should I say nylon or plastic ware) to fix the things.

This little kit works perfectly, almost an exact match for most metal drawer glides.  Well I noticed a couple of more drawers off this morning... They are good to go now.

Bowling - I'm BACK!  I was down and out for about 4 weeks - I'm almost 90% - I bowled yesterday and had some really great games, especially last night.  I bowled a 551!

Well, I'm also working on taxes again... just a few weeks to go.  I'll get'er done!

Please enjoy all your moments - today well be absolutely chuck full of great ones!  Smile at a strange, you'd be surprised at the outcome!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

An Adventure Begins

We did it.  We booked our trip to Germany.  We are very excited.  We've been "promising" Uwe and his family we would visit and finally we are able to do it.  More to come on this one.  The trip is several months away and we've got lots of planning to do.  (FYI - we booked through our AAA travel agency - it was a hoot and I'm glad we didn't do it on our own.)

We have an exciting weekend in store for us.  Sister Lana, Cory, and Syd are stopping by on their way to the Grand Canyon.  Hailey's 21st birthday celebration!  Bishop will be back from a week long visit with his mom- life is good and full of wonderful moments.

Now, to get my taxes done!  Talk about some fun moments!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Weather Folks Were Right!

By Noon, about 12"
I had to get the EGO snowblower out.  12" is about all it can handle.  That turned out to be pretty tough.  It is the first time I ran the batteries dead before finishing the job.

By late afternoon, we had about 3 more inches of the white stuff.  I looked out the window this morning and we got maybe 1/2" more during the night.  I sure hope Centennial gets the street done.  They don't usually clean our streets because the snow melts away so fast... but there is a lot more snow than usual - so maybe they will have to do something. 

We Skyped with Uwe, Uta, and Elisbeth yesterday afternoon.  Neat to be able to see them in there living room in Germany!  What a wonderful communications tool.  Now we can continue planning our trip! 

There has really been some great moments the last few days.  Just looking out the window right now, I'm kinda wondering if bowling will be cancelled today.  I haven't heard anything yet!

Have a great day!

Monday, March 11, 2019

What I Do When I Can't Sleep

  1. I wonder why I can't sleep
  2. I check out Amazon for the Zenith Radio project (ZRP)
  3. I make up acronyms
  4. I check out Antique Supplies for the ZRP
  5. I think about meditating - sometimes it helps
  6. I wonder what today will bring
  7. I look at the stack of stuff on my desk
    1. and wonder if I should put it off
    2. or get to it
    3. ignore it
    4. think about it some more
    5. just get it done?
  8. Wonder when I will start bowling again (Long story short - hurt my hip last Thursday night)
  9. Burp
  10. Check out Harvey
  11. Do I want a dog
  12. Think about the trip!
  13. Think about the other trip!
  14. Think about Kabatogama
  15. Think about the Winnipeg River trip!
    1. This year
    2. Next year
    3. Will Carolyn go
    4. Looks like a great adventure
  16. The time change... why do we still do it?  Will it upset the balance of things if we just don't do it any more?  Just think of all the things that will have to be unautomated!  It would be chaos!
  17. Send that thing back to Amazon
  18. To early for breakfast?
    1. or vitamins
    2. or ......
  19. Check email
  20. Check Facebook
  21. Make another list
    1. Make a list of lists
    2. Check the Keychain "To Do" list
  22. Are all the clocks changed (nope, forgot the one in the living room) They aren't all Automatic! Oh and the microwave downstairs - and some of the other battery clocks that I rarely use!
  23. Think about my sibs - love you sibs
  24. Think about mom and dad
  25. Enjoy the moment I'm in!  Yah I like this one!  I think I'll keep it! 

Monday, March 4, 2019

Getting Things Done

Harvey - Ain't he great?!
Well, as planned, taking the birthdays one month at a time made the job of logging them easier.  I'm still missing a few names and birthdays, but, I'm working on it.  Now for the address book.... (this isn't even a sentence!)  The photo to the left will be explained further down.... if you don't get bored and leave this page first!

We (I should say Carolyn) have several address books, none of them are in agreement on many of the addresses.  We do tend to lose contact - even with things like big birthday celebrations and reunions, Christmas parties and such!  Some family members seem to prefer anonymity and that is okay - but for those who do - we miss you and think of you often.  You know who you are - and you probably don't read this anyway - but I will resist putting names down - you are loved and we'd love to see you at more gatherings or, just drop by for a visit.  For some of you, we would try and drop by, but we don't know your address!

Now that I think about it we are not much of the drop by type - we always feel like we would be imposing - ?!.

I think I changed subjects and got a bit maudlin here!  So back to getting things done.  I was able to fix my subwoofer problem in my shop - I found a great Yamaha Active Servo Processing Subwoofer System at Goodwill yesterday! Picked it up for a great price on a 50% day.  I got it in the shop, turned it on and it had power, but had clunky sound.  I got the back off and was able to fix the rattling.  The thing works really well.  So, about Goodwill and ARC and other thrift stories.  I went shopping with Carolyn yesterday and we stopped it 3 or 4 of the stores.  I was really taken by the number of people that are employed by these businesses.  It really is awesome.  I do love going through the electronics stuff, art work, and - believe it or not - nic-nacs!  I picked up this awesome Texas Armadillo Gun Slinger.  I love it...  Carolyn kind of rolled her eyes - well it sits on my desk... his name is Harvey.. it just sort of fits.

Bottom line - these stores provide not only a great community service, but also re-cycling so many goods and materials - as well as a place for folks to shop and spend some time!  One never knows what treasures may be hidden there.  I ran into a young lad (maybe 12) - he was looking at old projection systems.  We chatted a bit.  He said he had a couple at home and was looking to add to his collection!  There you go - fun for the whole family!  As for me, I'm a convert!  And on my desk - a new sheriff!  Makes me smile every time I look at him.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Always Learning

Got some bowling coaching yesterday.  Interestingly during the first game I was being "watched" I bowled a 245.  What can I say.  I did pick up some great pointers and learned what I was doing that led to some poor shots.  I'm writing those things down before I get them.  There really isn't much to remember.....   Focus.  when I'm bowling - bowl, Shoulders parallel with gutters, keep backswing in control, let the ball do the work,  know whether you are hitting your target - or how many boards left or right of your target you missed,  if I'm missing the 10 pin - move 6" forward (If that doesn't work - 6" backward).  After the first game may have to move 1/2 to 1 board to left every 5 frames.  Now that I write it down, it seems like a lot - but it isn't - after all, the brain is really the most powerful computer around!

I bowled my best game with my Storm Intense.  This has become my "go to ball".  I did well with the Global Honey Badger and I surprised myself with my control of the more aggressive Storm Physix.
I am so looking forward to our Thursday leagues.

Yesterday I got my good dart board out.  I'm going to set it up today or tomorrow.  I'm looking forward to playing some darts again.  My head is just buzzing with things I want to do and try.  I'm not quite sure why that is.  I'm even getting fishing fever.  I drove past Cherry Creek yesterday.  I should drive in and see if the ice has broken away!  I'm going to try and get in some spring fishing this year. Life is amazing isn't it!  It really is interesting where my mind can take me! 

So, where is your mind taking you!  Wherever it is, enjoy each and every moment of it!

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Mindfulness & Living in the Moment

Carolyn and I went to Barnes and Noble to get a scrabble dictionary.  While there we both did some looking around for other things that might be of interest!  I happened upon a small (physically) book entitled The Little Book of Mindfulness .  I read a few pages and decided this book was for me. I think what made the connection for me was on page 6 of the book  "Mindfulness is being aware of or bringing attention to this moment in time, deliberately and without judging the experience." How powerful is that!  That statement, though simple it may seem, really tells one what a joyful life is all about!

February 22, 2019  One of My Special
I continued to browse and found the book Mindfulness for Beginners by Jon Kabat-Zinn.  The other book was written by Dr Patrizia Collard. (I had forgotten to mention that.)  Anyway I bought that book as well.  " present for the unfolding of your moments___". (Page 9)  I don't consider myself a beginner at at least "attempting" to live in the moment!  Nevertheless I am a beginner in exploring the concept as fully as I thought I had.  I guess I'm waxing a bit philosophical here -- I tend to do that sometimes.  I think reflection is a good thing and can lead to the enjoyment of your moments even more fully. Multi-tasking (talk about jumping the subject to another box) takes us away from that.  So bringing one's self to the moment one is truly in may require some effort - meditation helps with that.

If you want to be in the moment - be in it!  Notice the twig on the branch twitching with the wind! Notice the breath being taken, the sound being sensed - notice life and live it!  May all your moments be awesome.  Enjoy one to the fullest as often as you think about doing so!  Life will change for you!  Really it will!

Monday, February 18, 2019

Birthdays, Scrabble, and Miscellaneous Other Stuff

The Martinez Clan --  Just a Few of Us
So, once again, I'm delving into family history.  This time, I'm working on birthdays.  One would think what a simple project.  But, Carolyn has 12 brothers and sisters and the many descendants there.  I have 6 brothers and sisters - not so many descendants.  As I put these into the calendar I tend to get a bit anal - like color coding the families, putting notes in about spouses, children, grandchildren, the celebrants relationship to us - like God-children, nephew, niece and other notes that may seem relevant at this moment.  The result is that what should take 30 seconds to a minute for an entry takes more like 2 - 5 minutes or more per entry.  The gift is that I really get to reflect and recall special things and moments that we've shared and times and moments yet to come.  It really is a gift.  Bottom line -- I've decided to limit the inputs to 1 month per day -- that way I should be able to wrap up this wonderful project in about a month.  On to the topic of Scrabble.

I love to play scrabble - Carolyn is getting better every time we play.  Last night was special because I had my highest score ever 416 - with the highest scoring word being "jubilee" (89 points - including the bonus 50 points).  I played a lot of scrabble with mom and L.J.  They played all the time and took pictures of their best scores. 

Other - well I was at the bowling alley tonight.  Our team took 2 games -- thank you ladies.  I managed to have the lowest set of the bunch!!!!!  But we sure had fun.  Enjoy your moments!

Friday, February 15, 2019

Valentine's Day and the Day After

Well, around here Valentine's day is just another manufactured commercial holiday on the calendar.  I did reminisce a bit about gradeschool and handing out the cute little cards to all my classmates - the first few year's of marriage when I felt obligated to celebrate the holiday.  Maybe today I give it some thought, but not much.  Carolyn and I spent the day working on a family project, went bowling (our team mates were moving into their new home - congrats to John and Eunice) and we still managed to win 3 of the 4 points available -- might put us back in first place!

Today - is an immediate family day - us and our four children.  We've been working on this get together since Thanksgiving 2018.  That is one of the reasons we went to Aspen.  It was a quiet together time for Carolyn and I to address Christmas cards and working on or Will Documents.  It has taken us a couple of months to finish that task and prepare for this get together.  We may have overdone the preparation a bit, but I think it is worth it.  I saw what sister Lana went through when mom passed - and I've heard horror stories - even who the passing of parents have torn families apart.  We are providing the kids with, what we think, is all the details to make things easier for them. Today we present the draft documents, get their input, have frank and honest discussion and do some celebrating - breakfast and lunch provided!  Hugs and kisses and some tears shared.  God knows we shed some putting this stuff together. 

We have been and are blessed.  Each and every moment of every day brings with it everything to sadness and pain to joy and celebration - all filled with caring and love for one another.  We don't always understand - but we try too.  We don't always get things right - but we make every effort to do so.  We don't always remember to ....  there are so many things we don't always remember to do, but we always do our best to reach out to each other and do our best to be open to what each other needs. (now I truly am rambling).  I think the reader can get the just and understand that we are a family who cares - I think we care enough to ask forgiveness when we get it wrong and to celebrate the moments that we get it right! Today is going to be full of those moments, whatever they may bring. fini

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sometimes You Just Have to Write it Down

It has been a very good week.  But this post is really not about the week so much as it as about the urge to write.  There is a television show that has caught me in a very philosophical and spiritual way.  My wife is the spiritual one in the family - me not nearly as much but this show has caught me attention.  The name of the show "God Friended Me"!

I've been catching up with the show on CBS all Access. We don't have cable or dish or any real time TV except for what is available on HD via the air waves - the old fashioned way to watch TV.  But - we don't typically watch it except for me - some golf matches and some Bronco games (especially when they are winning)!

Whether you believe in God, are spiritual, agnostic,, atheist - whatever - if you are human, I think you might like this particular show.  The episodes are well written and the messages are pretty clear....  The show has given me pause to think about things that I haven't thought about in sometime.  In a way, it is about strangers helping strangers....  about being true to your beliefs even when you are a non--believer. 

Give it a go, watch a few episodes - you might just get hooked!

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Happy Birthday Carolyn

 Yup, it is Carolyn's birthday.  It has been 12 years since this famous cake was given to her at a surprise party at Mama Alvino's.  What a fantastic time was had.

Birthdays are special days - sometimes fraught with anticipation and sometimes overwhelming joy and sometimes pure bliss and mostly a bit of every kind of feeling one can think of.

I know I get anxious - will the kids and grandkids remember her birthday and give her a  call or come and see her?  Will her brothers and sisters remember her on this special day.  (I probably think of the same things when it is my birthday.) 

Today one may think that all I need to do is post something to facebook or send an Instagram message - what if she doesn't see it - what if she doesn't use facebook or any  of the social media.  Maybe a phone call would be great - yah, it probably would, but what if she doesn't answer - should I leave a message. 

How about putting in some effort - getting a card - writing a little something in it for this special person - putting the stamp and address on it and taking it to the United States Post Office?  Perhaps that is just too much effort!  I know I'm guilty of that and tend to rely on E-Cards - well, if they have an email address they will likely get it and know that I at least thought of them on their special day! Oops... they have an email, but they never use it!  Now they will be thinking I didn't remember them! 

I am a bit anal about birthdays.  If I know your birthday, it is on my special birthday reminder calendar -  and sometimes I get the date wrong -- but heck, even if it is the wrong day - at least I noted that you have a birthday!

I put together a special Google Photo album for Carolyn's birthday - I did it just this morning.  I know she will enjoy it and I will enjoy seeing her smile and hearing her comments!

Happy Birthday Carolyn -- enjoy all your very special moments on this day!

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Time to Take Care of Trees

We had Swingle (Now Save a Tree) out to estimate taking care of our trees this spring.  We've been using the company for over 30 years now.  Swingle has been purchased by another company, but the guys who came to the house to do the estimate (Charlie and James) knew their stuff.  I still didn't know the names of a couple of our pines - now I know we have a Douglas Fir, Blue Spruce, and Austrian Pine (the big one).  We also have a Birch, 2 Ashe trees, a Hawthorn, several aspen, and a an Eastern Rosebud.  Oh, and a Viburnum and a Dogwood (technically shrubs I think) - and one Rhododendron I planted by our Koi pond.  They were very surprised to see how healthy that plant was - I guess they don't do too well in Colorado soil.

We checked on the Rosebud to make sure she wouldn't harm foundations.  She happens to be right between our house and the neighbors, right on the fence line.  She has damaged the fence - I did do some repairs to that.  Charlie assured me the foundations were not in jeopardy as the root system is fairly shallow and if they do run into foundation they will make a left or right turn and not penetrate.  That is awesome, because the tree is so beautiful during the spring months.  (Not shorting the other trees because they all have their special beauty).

You already know the squirrels love to run around in them and live most of the winter on the Hawthorn berries.  I did learn that the Viburnum berries are poisonous - no wonder the squirrels don't snack on them.  So, bottom line, I learned a lot, got a decent estimate and now I can assure my neighbor no damage will come to their foundation.

Have an awesome day - enjoy the SuperBowl if you are so included.   Oh, yah, the tree to the left is the one we had to leave behind when we sold our old house - I really miss her.  We drive by once in a while just to see how she's doing!

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Last Day of January 2019

Like all other days, this day is a new one and we only have it once!  I vow to make it an awesome day. Thursdays, as I have said before, are bowling days during the non-golfing winter months.  Jeremiah and I started Kon Mari on the garage yesterday.  We made some good progress.  We've been storying his and his X's stuff for almost a year - and as usual with stuff like this if you haven't used it in a year one has to question if it is really needed. Oh well, it is trips to good will and extra bags of trash on Tuesdays.

We've been getting some nice snows the last few weeks.  We are expecting some more next week.  I'm experiencing a bit of a problem with my snow blower.  The blower part works great but there seems to be an electrical glitch.  I've written the manufacturer about it.  I hope to hear from them today. 

I'm having the arborist come out tomorrow to look at our trees and determine what if anything has to be done this spring.  I'm sure there will be some pruning.

I did some window covering yesterday.  I'm noticing a few of my "mistakes" this morning.  I'm going to do two more this morning.  It is a learning process - I'm excited to get the first perfect one.  I'm trying different levels of privacy in the office so that I can get Caroly exactly what she wants in her office.  Happy wife, happy life!  Where did I hear that one?

Enjoy your moments!  You only get them once!  The good news is there are always new ones to go.  Just don't hang on to the old ones for too long -- you can't get them back! You can only look at the new ones with a different attitude!

Sunday, January 27, 2019


Squirrels can be a nuisance, joy, and other descriptive adjectives better not stated in this blog.  I love squirrels!  They are so animated and playful.  Chuck and Charlene (our playful pair) have started playing their annual courting ritual.  Chasing up and down the tree limbs, across the fence top round and round the blue spruce from one end of the back yard to the the other.  I'm not sure who is chasing whom but it is fun to watch the frolicking.

We've been here for 7 years now -- we put corn out in the winter.  This year they got a gingerbread house ( not so sure that was good for them).
 But, they sure did seem to enjoy out, lasted a week or so.  I know this picture arrangement is hinky, but I'm too lazy to get it right this morning.  Enjoy your day - whatever day it happens to be when you view this!


Saturday, January 26, 2019

Sound, Gadgetry, and Other Things Fun

I do like gadgetry and even some "geeky" stuff.  I have a 30" Vizio in my office, as a matter of fact I'm watching it now.  A few weeks ago the sound started getting hinky.  The speaker(s) started vibrated like they had cracked cones.  Imagine what those might cost to replace.  Instead of replacing them, I started looking at soundbars.  I finally found a reasonably priced one at Walmart - a 32" remote controlled, google assistant integrated, bluetooth enabled, smart - all that for 69 bucks.  I figured I saved myself (finding, ordering, shipping, installing replacement speakers , hours)two or three times that by just getting the soundbar... and it is a great improvement.

What does that have to do with the title of this post?  Well it is a gadget that is sound related and lots of fun.  Now, to get it mounted and placed just right!

Living in the moment yet another day!  (I gotta figure out how to add stickers and gifs to this blog. -- that would be fun!)

Oh, I decided to leave the long form date off the title -- it was a bit redundant and, it was taking up too much space!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019 - Maria Kondo and Tidying Up

"Tidying Up" continues, as well as exploring 1 way or daytime privacy window coverings.  Right now I'm working on my office, and Carolyn's office.  But the clean-up is bringing up other sentimental delights.

My old Air Force Master Instructor badge, some of our archery achievements, one of dad's "Member Montezuma, Iowa Fire Department " badge, a tea set that belonged to mom, and much more.  One item brought back a lot of Junior High "stuff" - some good memories, and some not so good memories. 

The pictured wallet was one I made in shop class in, I think 1959.  I really did love leather work.  This one was retired some 15 years ago, but it is still serviceable  if I wished to use it.   I still enjoy leather work from time to time.  About 14 months ago Carolyn asked me to repair a purse strap.  Well, after purchasing a new stitching awl and wax string I was successful -- and that purse strap is still holding tight.  I've found my old hardboard, hammer, tools and, well, almost everything I need to pick the hobby up again.  I'm looking forward to it - once I finish my tidying process in my basement workshop.

I'm also thinking about a better refurbishment of the electronics in my very old Zenith radio.  It is gonna be a wonderfully busy summer!

Enjoy your moments!  Laugh and smile a lot!

Monday, January 21, 2019

Monday, January 21st, 2019 - Another Monday

Mondays are good!  I start my week on Mondays.  I'm sitting here just cogitating the day and looking forward to what it will bring.  What new adventures are just around the corner, what new challenges, what new......?

Whatever the day brings ( or the week) I'm sure there will be a little of everything that will have some significance in life.  I've told this journal that I've started Spring Cleaning.  It is looking like that activity is going to last until summer.  The minute I clear and/or clean something up - it just seems to get cluttered again  I'm going to have to review the concepts of tidying  up!  I highly recommend the book

I've been working on my dresser, closet, office, garage, and basement workroom.  I haven't taken any before and after pictures.  I really don't want to remember the before.  Just know I've made several trips to ARC and Goodwill already.  I'm sure there will be more trips. 

I've also been researching a lot on the proper way to "get rid" of things like metal, old broken small appliances and other things that can't be dropped in the garbage or taken to the thrift stores.  Turns out there is recycling businesses out there for almost anything!  Thankful for those things that could have ended up in a land fill, but now will be repurposed.

Have fun with your week!

Friday, January 18, 2019

Friday, January 18th, 2019 - Games

I'm not much of a socializer, but I do like games.  I like some on-line games like Jackpot Party, Words With Friends, and Fairway Solitaire to name a few.  Only one of those games involves a social aspect.  I also like poker -but, don't get invited to play much.  I do get some of the kids together to play Texas Hold-em from time to time - that is a nice friendly social event.  It just doesn't happen frequently enough.

I like golf, bowling, archery - they are some nice active sports and sometimes involves others and they do provide for some interesting socialization.  Though, sometimes even in these activities I don't tend to socialize very much.  My Myers Briggs type is INFP, that explains some of it.  It isn't that I don't care about others, it is more like I'm at a loss for intersocial thoughts.  Oh, I like fishing too, and darts.

I really like scrabble, bridge (but haven't played for years) - like most card games that involve 4 or more players - pinochle, spades, hearts, canasta, pepper - I used to play a lot of cards, but not much after marriage - my lady just doesn't seem that interested in card games  The good news is that we are now playing scrabble pretty frequently and we do enjoy that time together.  

I keep trying to talk Carolyn into letting me set up an archery target in the basement - I think we would both enjoy that a lot.  Carolyn was very good at archery!

I'm not sure exactly why I'm writing about this - maybe, just maybe it has to do with my lack of socializing!  A lot of times, even when I'm on a team or in a group - I feel alone - I think I'm participating, but perhaps I'm just not totally there and in the moment like I should be.  There is a lot of room for reflection on this subject.  I think sometimes I shut down because sometimes when I do talk - I can be very "blunt" and straight forward - not necessarily appreciated by many people.  I think my dream home is still a two or three room cabin with a deck overlooking a pond - tall trees and remote access... Right now, and for the past 18 months or so, we've had our son and grandson living with us - sometimes that feels crowded!  There is a lot of freedom and personal sanctity that is lost, but I'm thankful we are able to provide when there is a need.  It just isn't the same as when Carolyn and I are alone!  Just not the same.  Part of it, I think is a lack of privacy and freedom. Yet I know they try as hard as the can to keep from being intrusive.  

I think that grown-up kids living with parents or coming back to the nest is much more prevalent than it used to be.... thanks for listening! 

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Thursday, January 18th, 2019 - More Early Spring Cleaning and Bowling

Today is a 2 league bowling day.  Mountain Range in the afternoon with Carolyn and Wooden Shoes at night with "the guys".  I'm looking forward to consistency today.  That is the goal.  Hit the mark and make appropriate adjustments when necessary.

Spring cleaning  I know it isn't spring, but I've started early - it is a way to avoid working on things like "taxes" - but I vow to get an early start on that this year too.  My project the last few weeks has included garage and basement hideaway (different than "man cave").  I'm making excellent progress and ARC Thrift stores or Goodwill shall certainly benefit!

I'm also looking for some very specific remote controlled lights - where in the heck are they?  I love lights, I don't know why.  I especially like those battery operated ones that have many modes and/or remote control, or are on for 6 hours then off for 18 -  now I've got some that dance to the sound.  I really like that - how do they make those things so "inexpensive".  I've got what I call "mood lights" on the mantel, the television cut-outs, in the sauna (which I also had to fix - that was a two week project also)!  That sauna door must weigh 200lbs!  It was easier to "adjust" the frame!  I took the easy way out - but now it is working like a charm.

I found these wonderful "MainStay" drawer organizers.  You should see my sock drawer now.  I got all my batteries squared away and my office supplies are now so easy to keep organized.  I think I'm a bit OCD  Some people might say a lot OCD.  I do like order, but chaos doesn't drive me nuts, I just deal with it.  When you have a grandson and son living with you - chaos can be the norm.  They do try though.

On a totally different subject - we just got a factory recall notice on Rosie (our Hyundai Elentra)  She has about 170,000 miles on her and is going strong - kinda like me but I'm a he.  That is something I need to take care of today!

Then there's the kitchen undersink drinking water system! $200 for replacement filters - talk about "sticker Shock"!  Oh well!  Then "of course" there is the $95 to sanitize the drinking water storage tank and the $45 service call.  So, you may ask,  "why didn't you change the filters and get them from Amazon?" Well Amazon didn't have them, whoa - they have everything! NOT!  So I ordered them from what I thought was the OEM for the unit.  Got two years supply for $100 plus shipping. Oops, wrong filters.  Turns out the filters for this system were "proprietary".  I had to get them from the local supplier!  Luckily, the RO filter (Reverse Osmosis) only has to be replaced about every 4-5 years - the pre and post filters every year or 2.  Now I know where to get them - so it will be a "honey do" job next time around.

Wow, a bit wordy this morning.  Have an awesome day.  Smile at a stranger, hug someone - get hugged by someone - it'll do wonders for your attitude!

Monday, January 14, 2019

Monday, January 15, 2019 - "Sticks and Stones"

We all know the old "saw" "Sticks and Stones...." .  Your "Daily Brain Game" is to finish that "saw".  (Which, of course, brings up another question - what is the source of the word "saw" to describe this kinds of witticisms?  Anyhow, back to the point.

The reader probably well knows that the rest of this has a part that says "but words will never hurt me!" Yah, right.  At least for me the words can hurt worse than the "sticks and stones".  Yesterday I had the occasion to experience that again and, I think, perhaps re-discovered the sensitivity my silly brain has in connecting words, their inflection when stated, and the links to past memories that trigger something inside of that tends to "over react" to what is being said.  I read into the words - almost instantaneously- things that are really not there or that are not intended by the sender or fellow communicator. 

On reflection, I can easily call many instances where my reactions caused hurt and/or pain in others - and for that I am truly sorry. If you happen to be reading this you know who you are and I do not need to name names.  I need to figure out a way that when I am in such an exchange of words that I think before I speak -- which in the heat of the moment is not always easy.  For me it is important to note that the feelings that arise as a result include:

  • context - what is the situation, i.e  Discussion? Banter? Argument? Emotions?
  • the word or words stated
  • the inflection of the delivery of the words, i.e. loud, soft, kind, not so kind, rising, lowering
  • the body language of the communicator -
  • eye contact
  • the fellow communicator
I'm sure if I kept listing there would be a longer list.  The incredible things is that the resulting response is instantaneous and sometimes hurtful.  Escalation is inevitable - at least for me, and de-escalation is not easily forthcoming.  
For me, at least on this occasion the overall result is a fairly sleepless night - hence the early hours of this diatribe. But, once again, I'm finding reflection helpful.  This is not a new thing for me - but putting it down in words on paper (or in this case - digital paper) in this detail is new - and feels helpful personally.

I think that conclusion is all a part of "living in the moment".  Please know that if you are one of the persons I have somehow  _________________  (Fill in the blank), I am truly humbled and sorry for what I said at that moment.  Or if it was a good think - well I'm just humbled.

FYI:  and there are many other resources for this. Have a truly awesome week!  Finally, from "Family Rules"  "Show Compassion" and "Use Kind Words" - "Know you are loved!"

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Suday, January 14th 2019 - Nice Snowfall the Last Few Days

 This one was taken Friday - first real snow this winter.  Picture was taken at Chad and Wendfal's.  The Pinery Golf Course is seene in the background.

The one below was taken out our back window.  It is our KOI pond.  The fish have not eaten since October 31, 20 - that is when the water temp dropped below 51 degrees.  They won't eat again until late March or Early April 2019.  This will be their 8th winter and all 6 of them have done just great.  I got a new thermostatically controlled surface heater to make sure there is always space for gasses and such to escape.  However, this new one seems to keep the pond clear of ice.  Not so sure that is a good thing - but I think everything will be just fine.

So far out of this snow we've only gotten about .5 inches of moisture.  We need a lot more than that.

I'm guessing some kids will be out building snow persons today!  (Is that PC?)  Brings back some memories when I was a kid and when my kids were kids!
Enjoy your winter fun!!!!  There are many memories to be made!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Thursday January 10th, 2019 - A Day of Bowling

Carolyn and I bowl in a Thursday afternoon league - our team (Orange Crush 2) is in a constant battle for 1st place.  I did not bowl well this afternoon, but we did win 3 or 4 points.  We'll see soon where that puts us.

Thursday nights I bowl in a "men's" league at Arapahoe Bowling Center - I bowled really well tonight. I bowled a 640! One of my highest ever series.  The only way I can describe the difference between this afternoon and tonight..... it is like I could "see the line".... sort of like a great putt, you can just see the line and the ball goes in the hole, or in bowling, all the pins fall down for an awesome strike.


Wednesday, January 9, 2019

January 9th, 2019 - Christmas Gift Storm PhysiX

If you are a bowler you know what that is.  Carolyn gave me a gift certificate for the Pro Shop at the bowling alley.  The gift was very nice but ended up costing me 125% more than the gift amount - but, I did get a very nice new bowling ball.  It is my first one that did not have a shiny surface. Carolyn and I hit the lanes today so I could check out the new bowling ball.  I think I like it.  I've bowled two games... had a 179 and a 196 - the new ball gets some great pin action.  Carolyn bowled well today too.  In other words we had fun!

I fixed my old weather station using two 1 tbsp plastic measuring spoons and SUGRU - works like a champ and very colorful.  Now my wind speed gizmo works just fine.  It works much better with 3 cups rather than 2!

I'm getting caught up on NCIS LA - finished all available episodes of NCIS NO - waiting to catch up to watch the next season of the original NCIS.  One has to get in sync because of potential crossovers.

No, it isn't a real one.  But I was testing out a new way to add pictures to my blog.... Awesome.  It works really well!

Ya'all have an awesome day! (Of course this applies no matter when this is read!)

Monday, January 7, 2019

Monday, January 7th 2018 - Yada, Yada, Yada

So, I kinda know ,even though I have some followers, there's not much reading going on - or, I may be so boring that no one cares to comment - and that's okay.  I think I really do this for myself anyway. 

It helps me get a few things off my mind that seems to be ever churning with chaos!  Today is going to be a great day - a very busy one as most Monday's seem to be.  We have everything from Bowling to Physical Training. That covers a good part of the alphabet anyway.  Today is BAMF's birthday.  We celebrated at Lava Island.  The kids have so much fun there and Bishop was "King" for the day in the Lego Land Room.  He was excited, calm, sociable, and very polite.

Here's the link to the celebration:

 He was one happy kid.  Today is his actual birthday so he can enjoy the gifts he got yesterday.

Enjoy your special days!

Sunday, January 6, 2019

January 5th, 2019 - BEANiTOS Crunchy Mac and Cheese Snacks

One of Carolyn's good friends introduced her to a product called BEANiTOS Crunchy Mac and Cheese.  They look like Cheetos, but they are baked and they are made out of beans.  When I fist tasted them I was a bit disgusted by the flavor - I detest Mac and Cheese.  However a few weeks after the first trial, I tasted them again - I was hungry and desperate.  They grew on me.  These things are not always easy to buy - they can be hard to find.  The other BEANiTOS chips and such are readily available, but these seem to disappear off the shelf.

Today's emergency - Carolyn ran out of BEANiTOS.  We checked our usual online sources, i.e., Amazon and VitaCost.  We absolutely could not find the 11 oz packages which she likes to get.  Some of the suppliers were charging as much for a 6 oz package as we have paid for the 11 oz package.  Prices for 1 bag of 11 oz size, were as high as 15 bucks -- I can go out to a fairly decent meal at a restaurant for that.

We called some of the local businesses that claimed to have them in stock.  They didn't.  Carolyn made some calls - she found them at BigLots ... we bought them out at a very reasonable price - Carolyn felt like she struck gold!  I'm so happy for her - it made for a really wonderful ending to the afternoon!

Good luck finding your treasures - whatever they are.  (I know, I use far too many hyphens.)

All I had to do was hit "Publish"  -  but no, I had to wait for the picture. So I missed my deadline - it is an artificial one, but .....For some odd reason my phone is no longer updating Google Photos.  Oh well, I can always add the picture later.  Love it... Time to do some troubleshooting!  10:30A.M. 01/06/2019  Problem Fixed.  Wahoo!!

Friday, January 4, 2019

January 4th, 2019 - A Very Busy Day

I can certainly attest that I was NOT bored today.

  • Took Carolyn to her Personal Trainer
  • Great conversation with my son Chad concerning the Real Estate Business
  • Had Rosie's emission check completed.  She passed with flying colors!  (Rosie is our Elantra)
  • Shopping trip to Costco - we always go for 1 item and come home with way more than that.  Today the big extra was a new weather station
  • Did some garage clean-up.  I usually start spring cleaning way before spring gets here.
  • Installed a pond heater in the KOI pond - the old heater lasted almost 6 years.  
  • Played Scrabble
  • Installed the new weather station.  I got a new one, because I couldn't find replacement parts for the old one- plus the new gizmo's and screen readouts are better.
  • Of course I completed my exercises for the day, why would you even question that!
  • Welcomed our grandson home from his visit to Glenwood Springs
  • Played another game of scrabble ( We just got the game yesterday - somehow I give things away thinking we would never use them again...) So we had to buy a new Scrabble set.  I love playing scrabble.
  • Time to relax and watch some TV - or just fall asleep
Oh yah, we were driving down the road and Carolyn spotted this great license plate:

I think that is about it - we do keep busy around here!

Enjoy the first weekend of 2019!

Thursday, January 3, 2019

January 3rd, 2019 - At a Loss for Words

Little stuff!  I sometimes let "Little Stuff" get to me.  I guess, in that sense, I could be considered moody.  I can be in the middle of a golf or bowling game and something just gets to me.  I get stuck with an attitude that is not conducive to playing the game well.  I lose focus.  Like I often say, "there is always room for improvement!"

Consistency is definitely not my middle name when it comes to sports.  That may be the biggest difference (among many differences) between us more common amateurs and the professionals and much better amateurs. There is also always the frequency of playing the game and practicing!

This diatribe started because of the quality of my bowling this afternoon.  It wasn't horrible, but it was inconsistent from game to game.  Perhaps a better evening.  We shall see!

Have an awesome week!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

January 2nd, 2019

Two days in a row.  That is a record.... many years since I've done that.  I forgot to mention in 2018 memories that I had a hole in one!  That is a golf term for putting the ball in the hole from the tee box (just in case you didn't know)!  That was my first one ever.

Today was a busy day.  I put up this "hanging" shelf in the garage when we moved in.  I used  clothesline wire to attach it to the beams.  After 7 years I decided (for safety sake) that I over-engineer it a bit.  I added safety chains to the support points.  Looks darn good even if I do say so myself.

Carolyn and I played Bananagram tonight.  Jeremiah joined us for a game.  It is a fun, fairly fast paced word game - good to know all your 2 letter words if you want to win this one.

Tomorrow is bowling - afternoon and evening.  We are looking forward to it.  I think my game is coming back.  We dropped out of first place by 2.5 points, but have moved back up and can close the game to tie or lead this week.

It was good to see the grandkids over Christmas and New Year's break.  Brooke graduates from college this year and will move back to Denver after graduation.

As for me, I'm always learning new things.  I bought this Daily Brain Games Calendar to stuff in my stocking.  Day 1 I did fine.  Day 2 I can hardly understand the instructions.  Duh -- I got it!

Counting my blessings and there are so many to count.  Today was full of joyful and restful moments.  Make someone happy when you get the chance!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

January 1st, 2019...

First off, I did not make any written New Year's Resolutions.  Life can be enough of a challenge... without setting one's self up for failure on the first day of the year!  I do have something in mind though and I think it is attainable! (Live a healthier year... communicate better with family and friends!) I kinda kicked that one off last evening and yesterday morning. I did have some accomplishments in 2018:

  • I lost about 45lbs... and only gained 15 of them back.  Now I'm aware and ... well can get back on track
  • We sold our home in Aurora - the one we lived in for more than 36 years - I'll miss that tree, so many memories - Jeremiah was less than 6 months old when we moved to that house!
  • My golf game improved as did my bowling!
  • Stuff that needed fixing around the house got fixed.  I actually undid some of the automated things like lights and fans and put manual switches back in.  Sometimes convenience can be a nuisance.  I am, however, thinking of putting in some "Smart" devices
  • We improved the Koi pond - new liner, new retaining wall, deeper and a couple of new pumps.  
  • The furnace died a couple of weeks ago. Turned out it was 22 years old - so we replaced it!  That event helped me realize we've lived in this home for 7 years.  Time does fly.
  • We had some great parties at the house in 2018 - ending with the Joseph and Margaret Martinez Descendants Annual Christmas Celebration.  At last count we had about 70 guests.  Our children were the hosts, Carolyn and I provided the venue -- it was a wonderful get together!
  • We purchased some Echo Shows for the kids that would accept them (the ones who were not too concerned that they were an evil tool of "big brother"....) we enjoyed lots of remote video conversations with Oscar and a few with Kairi.  Carolyn is getting more comfortable with Alexa!
  • We had a great vacation with sibs and family at the Cliffs in Ridgedale, Missouri.  Brooke and a couple of her friends were there as well.... It was a great week!
  • Carolyn started a new business on the QT or is it DL.  She surprised me with it a couple of months after she started - so Proud of her... she is really sticking with it - the products are awesome and the business plan is excellent!  
  • I talked a lot about fishing, but didn't go fishing - this year I'll do some fishing!
Well, enough for now.  It is good to reflect.  2018 was a great year!  2019 will have its surprises and the full range of feelings, emotions, adventures - whatever it brings - live the moments with openness, joy, love -- what ever touches you in the moment.  Smile often hug often... be yourself!