Friday, January 18, 2019

Friday, January 18th, 2019 - Games

I'm not much of a socializer, but I do like games.  I like some on-line games like Jackpot Party, Words With Friends, and Fairway Solitaire to name a few.  Only one of those games involves a social aspect.  I also like poker -but, don't get invited to play much.  I do get some of the kids together to play Texas Hold-em from time to time - that is a nice friendly social event.  It just doesn't happen frequently enough.

I like golf, bowling, archery - they are some nice active sports and sometimes involves others and they do provide for some interesting socialization.  Though, sometimes even in these activities I don't tend to socialize very much.  My Myers Briggs type is INFP, that explains some of it.  It isn't that I don't care about others, it is more like I'm at a loss for intersocial thoughts.  Oh, I like fishing too, and darts.

I really like scrabble, bridge (but haven't played for years) - like most card games that involve 4 or more players - pinochle, spades, hearts, canasta, pepper - I used to play a lot of cards, but not much after marriage - my lady just doesn't seem that interested in card games  The good news is that we are now playing scrabble pretty frequently and we do enjoy that time together.  

I keep trying to talk Carolyn into letting me set up an archery target in the basement - I think we would both enjoy that a lot.  Carolyn was very good at archery!

I'm not sure exactly why I'm writing about this - maybe, just maybe it has to do with my lack of socializing!  A lot of times, even when I'm on a team or in a group - I feel alone - I think I'm participating, but perhaps I'm just not totally there and in the moment like I should be.  There is a lot of room for reflection on this subject.  I think sometimes I shut down because sometimes when I do talk - I can be very "blunt" and straight forward - not necessarily appreciated by many people.  I think my dream home is still a two or three room cabin with a deck overlooking a pond - tall trees and remote access... Right now, and for the past 18 months or so, we've had our son and grandson living with us - sometimes that feels crowded!  There is a lot of freedom and personal sanctity that is lost, but I'm thankful we are able to provide when there is a need.  It just isn't the same as when Carolyn and I are alone!  Just not the same.  Part of it, I think is a lack of privacy and freedom. Yet I know they try as hard as the can to keep from being intrusive.  

I think that grown-up kids living with parents or coming back to the nest is much more prevalent than it used to be.... thanks for listening! 

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