Monday, March 4, 2019

Getting Things Done

Harvey - Ain't he great?!
Well, as planned, taking the birthdays one month at a time made the job of logging them easier.  I'm still missing a few names and birthdays, but, I'm working on it.  Now for the address book.... (this isn't even a sentence!)  The photo to the left will be explained further down.... if you don't get bored and leave this page first!

We (I should say Carolyn) have several address books, none of them are in agreement on many of the addresses.  We do tend to lose contact - even with things like big birthday celebrations and reunions, Christmas parties and such!  Some family members seem to prefer anonymity and that is okay - but for those who do - we miss you and think of you often.  You know who you are - and you probably don't read this anyway - but I will resist putting names down - you are loved and we'd love to see you at more gatherings or, just drop by for a visit.  For some of you, we would try and drop by, but we don't know your address!

Now that I think about it we are not much of the drop by type - we always feel like we would be imposing - ?!.

I think I changed subjects and got a bit maudlin here!  So back to getting things done.  I was able to fix my subwoofer problem in my shop - I found a great Yamaha Active Servo Processing Subwoofer System at Goodwill yesterday! Picked it up for a great price on a 50% day.  I got it in the shop, turned it on and it had power, but had clunky sound.  I got the back off and was able to fix the rattling.  The thing works really well.  So, about Goodwill and ARC and other thrift stories.  I went shopping with Carolyn yesterday and we stopped it 3 or 4 of the stores.  I was really taken by the number of people that are employed by these businesses.  It really is awesome.  I do love going through the electronics stuff, art work, and - believe it or not - nic-nacs!  I picked up this awesome Texas Armadillo Gun Slinger.  I love it...  Carolyn kind of rolled her eyes - well it sits on my desk... his name is Harvey.. it just sort of fits.

Bottom line - these stores provide not only a great community service, but also re-cycling so many goods and materials - as well as a place for folks to shop and spend some time!  One never knows what treasures may be hidden there.  I ran into a young lad (maybe 12) - he was looking at old projection systems.  We chatted a bit.  He said he had a couple at home and was looking to add to his collection!  There you go - fun for the whole family!  As for me, I'm a convert!  And on my desk - a new sheriff!  Makes me smile every time I look at him.

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