Friday, March 29, 2019

5A.M. and Fixing Dresser Drawers?

I guess I come from a background of if it is broken - "git it fixed right now."  I think I got that from my dad.  But, at 5 in the morning?  Yup -- A few weeks ago I fixed one of Carolyn's dresser drawer glides.  I had been trying to "jerry-rig" the darned thing for weeks.  I couldn't figure out a good way to do it correctly.  The drawer would close at the top, but not correctly at the bottom.  I'm OCD about those kinds of things.  I finally gave up and went to my favorite resource for just about anything - Amazon.  Sure enough they had the hardware (should I say nylon or plastic ware) to fix the things.

This little kit works perfectly, almost an exact match for most metal drawer glides.  Well I noticed a couple of more drawers off this morning... They are good to go now.

Bowling - I'm BACK!  I was down and out for about 4 weeks - I'm almost 90% - I bowled yesterday and had some really great games, especially last night.  I bowled a 551!

Well, I'm also working on taxes again... just a few weeks to go.  I'll get'er done!

Please enjoy all your moments - today well be absolutely chuck full of great ones!  Smile at a strange, you'd be surprised at the outcome!

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