Saturday, January 26, 2019

Sound, Gadgetry, and Other Things Fun

I do like gadgetry and even some "geeky" stuff.  I have a 30" Vizio in my office, as a matter of fact I'm watching it now.  A few weeks ago the sound started getting hinky.  The speaker(s) started vibrated like they had cracked cones.  Imagine what those might cost to replace.  Instead of replacing them, I started looking at soundbars.  I finally found a reasonably priced one at Walmart - a 32" remote controlled, google assistant integrated, bluetooth enabled, smart - all that for 69 bucks.  I figured I saved myself (finding, ordering, shipping, installing replacement speakers , hours)two or three times that by just getting the soundbar... and it is a great improvement.

What does that have to do with the title of this post?  Well it is a gadget that is sound related and lots of fun.  Now, to get it mounted and placed just right!

Living in the moment yet another day!  (I gotta figure out how to add stickers and gifs to this blog. -- that would be fun!)

Oh, I decided to leave the long form date off the title -- it was a bit redundant and, it was taking up too much space!

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