Thursday, January 17, 2019

Thursday, January 18th, 2019 - More Early Spring Cleaning and Bowling

Today is a 2 league bowling day.  Mountain Range in the afternoon with Carolyn and Wooden Shoes at night with "the guys".  I'm looking forward to consistency today.  That is the goal.  Hit the mark and make appropriate adjustments when necessary.

Spring cleaning  I know it isn't spring, but I've started early - it is a way to avoid working on things like "taxes" - but I vow to get an early start on that this year too.  My project the last few weeks has included garage and basement hideaway (different than "man cave").  I'm making excellent progress and ARC Thrift stores or Goodwill shall certainly benefit!

I'm also looking for some very specific remote controlled lights - where in the heck are they?  I love lights, I don't know why.  I especially like those battery operated ones that have many modes and/or remote control, or are on for 6 hours then off for 18 -  now I've got some that dance to the sound.  I really like that - how do they make those things so "inexpensive".  I've got what I call "mood lights" on the mantel, the television cut-outs, in the sauna (which I also had to fix - that was a two week project also)!  That sauna door must weigh 200lbs!  It was easier to "adjust" the frame!  I took the easy way out - but now it is working like a charm.

I found these wonderful "MainStay" drawer organizers.  You should see my sock drawer now.  I got all my batteries squared away and my office supplies are now so easy to keep organized.  I think I'm a bit OCD  Some people might say a lot OCD.  I do like order, but chaos doesn't drive me nuts, I just deal with it.  When you have a grandson and son living with you - chaos can be the norm.  They do try though.

On a totally different subject - we just got a factory recall notice on Rosie (our Hyundai Elentra)  She has about 170,000 miles on her and is going strong - kinda like me but I'm a he.  That is something I need to take care of today!

Then there's the kitchen undersink drinking water system! $200 for replacement filters - talk about "sticker Shock"!  Oh well!  Then "of course" there is the $95 to sanitize the drinking water storage tank and the $45 service call.  So, you may ask,  "why didn't you change the filters and get them from Amazon?" Well Amazon didn't have them, whoa - they have everything! NOT!  So I ordered them from what I thought was the OEM for the unit.  Got two years supply for $100 plus shipping. Oops, wrong filters.  Turns out the filters for this system were "proprietary".  I had to get them from the local supplier!  Luckily, the RO filter (Reverse Osmosis) only has to be replaced about every 4-5 years - the pre and post filters every year or 2.  Now I know where to get them - so it will be a "honey do" job next time around.

Wow, a bit wordy this morning.  Have an awesome day.  Smile at a stranger, hug someone - get hugged by someone - it'll do wonders for your attitude!

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