Monday, January 21, 2019

Monday, January 21st, 2019 - Another Monday

Mondays are good!  I start my week on Mondays.  I'm sitting here just cogitating the day and looking forward to what it will bring.  What new adventures are just around the corner, what new challenges, what new......?

Whatever the day brings ( or the week) I'm sure there will be a little of everything that will have some significance in life.  I've told this journal that I've started Spring Cleaning.  It is looking like that activity is going to last until summer.  The minute I clear and/or clean something up - it just seems to get cluttered again  I'm going to have to review the concepts of tidying  up!  I highly recommend the book

I've been working on my dresser, closet, office, garage, and basement workroom.  I haven't taken any before and after pictures.  I really don't want to remember the before.  Just know I've made several trips to ARC and Goodwill already.  I'm sure there will be more trips. 

I've also been researching a lot on the proper way to "get rid" of things like metal, old broken small appliances and other things that can't be dropped in the garbage or taken to the thrift stores.  Turns out there is recycling businesses out there for almost anything!  Thankful for those things that could have ended up in a land fill, but now will be repurposed.

Have fun with your week!

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