Wednesday, January 9, 2019

January 9th, 2019 - Christmas Gift Storm PhysiX

If you are a bowler you know what that is.  Carolyn gave me a gift certificate for the Pro Shop at the bowling alley.  The gift was very nice but ended up costing me 125% more than the gift amount - but, I did get a very nice new bowling ball.  It is my first one that did not have a shiny surface. Carolyn and I hit the lanes today so I could check out the new bowling ball.  I think I like it.  I've bowled two games... had a 179 and a 196 - the new ball gets some great pin action.  Carolyn bowled well today too.  In other words we had fun!

I fixed my old weather station using two 1 tbsp plastic measuring spoons and SUGRU - works like a champ and very colorful.  Now my wind speed gizmo works just fine.  It works much better with 3 cups rather than 2!

I'm getting caught up on NCIS LA - finished all available episodes of NCIS NO - waiting to catch up to watch the next season of the original NCIS.  One has to get in sync because of potential crossovers.

No, it isn't a real one.  But I was testing out a new way to add pictures to my blog.... Awesome.  It works really well!

Ya'all have an awesome day! (Of course this applies no matter when this is read!)

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