Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Happy Birthday Carolyn

 Yup, it is Carolyn's birthday.  It has been 12 years since this famous cake was given to her at a surprise party at Mama Alvino's.  What a fantastic time was had.

Birthdays are special days - sometimes fraught with anticipation and sometimes overwhelming joy and sometimes pure bliss and mostly a bit of every kind of feeling one can think of.

I know I get anxious - will the kids and grandkids remember her birthday and give her a  call or come and see her?  Will her brothers and sisters remember her on this special day.  (I probably think of the same things when it is my birthday.) 

Today one may think that all I need to do is post something to facebook or send an Instagram message - what if she doesn't see it - what if she doesn't use facebook or any  of the social media.  Maybe a phone call would be great - yah, it probably would, but what if she doesn't answer - should I leave a message. 

How about putting in some effort - getting a card - writing a little something in it for this special person - putting the stamp and address on it and taking it to the United States Post Office?  Perhaps that is just too much effort!  I know I'm guilty of that and tend to rely on E-Cards - well, if they have an email address they will likely get it and know that I at least thought of them on their special day! Oops... they have an email, but they never use it!  Now they will be thinking I didn't remember them! 

I am a bit anal about birthdays.  If I know your birthday, it is on my special birthday reminder calendar -  and sometimes I get the date wrong -- but heck, even if it is the wrong day - at least I noted that you have a birthday!

I put together a special Google Photo album for Carolyn's birthday - I did it just this morning.  I know she will enjoy it and I will enjoy seeing her smile and hearing her comments!

Happy Birthday Carolyn -- enjoy all your very special moments on this day!

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