Sunday, January 13, 2019

Suday, January 14th 2019 - Nice Snowfall the Last Few Days

 This one was taken Friday - first real snow this winter.  Picture was taken at Chad and Wendfal's.  The Pinery Golf Course is seene in the background.

The one below was taken out our back window.  It is our KOI pond.  The fish have not eaten since October 31, 20 - that is when the water temp dropped below 51 degrees.  They won't eat again until late March or Early April 2019.  This will be their 8th winter and all 6 of them have done just great.  I got a new thermostatically controlled surface heater to make sure there is always space for gasses and such to escape.  However, this new one seems to keep the pond clear of ice.  Not so sure that is a good thing - but I think everything will be just fine.

So far out of this snow we've only gotten about .5 inches of moisture.  We need a lot more than that.

I'm guessing some kids will be out building snow persons today!  (Is that PC?)  Brings back some memories when I was a kid and when my kids were kids!
Enjoy your winter fun!!!!  There are many memories to be made!

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