Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Weather Folks Were Right!

By Noon, about 12"
I had to get the EGO snowblower out.  12" is about all it can handle.  That turned out to be pretty tough.  It is the first time I ran the batteries dead before finishing the job.

By late afternoon, we had about 3 more inches of the white stuff.  I looked out the window this morning and we got maybe 1/2" more during the night.  I sure hope Centennial gets the street done.  They don't usually clean our streets because the snow melts away so fast... but there is a lot more snow than usual - so maybe they will have to do something. 

We Skyped with Uwe, Uta, and Elisbeth yesterday afternoon.  Neat to be able to see them in there living room in Germany!  What a wonderful communications tool.  Now we can continue planning our trip! 

There has really been some great moments the last few days.  Just looking out the window right now, I'm kinda wondering if bowling will be cancelled today.  I haven't heard anything yet!

Have a great day!

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