Monday, February 18, 2019

Birthdays, Scrabble, and Miscellaneous Other Stuff

The Martinez Clan --  Just a Few of Us
So, once again, I'm delving into family history.  This time, I'm working on birthdays.  One would think what a simple project.  But, Carolyn has 12 brothers and sisters and the many descendants there.  I have 6 brothers and sisters - not so many descendants.  As I put these into the calendar I tend to get a bit anal - like color coding the families, putting notes in about spouses, children, grandchildren, the celebrants relationship to us - like God-children, nephew, niece and other notes that may seem relevant at this moment.  The result is that what should take 30 seconds to a minute for an entry takes more like 2 - 5 minutes or more per entry.  The gift is that I really get to reflect and recall special things and moments that we've shared and times and moments yet to come.  It really is a gift.  Bottom line -- I've decided to limit the inputs to 1 month per day -- that way I should be able to wrap up this wonderful project in about a month.  On to the topic of Scrabble.

I love to play scrabble - Carolyn is getting better every time we play.  Last night was special because I had my highest score ever 416 - with the highest scoring word being "jubilee" (89 points - including the bonus 50 points).  I played a lot of scrabble with mom and L.J.  They played all the time and took pictures of their best scores. 

Other - well I was at the bowling alley tonight.  Our team took 2 games -- thank you ladies.  I managed to have the lowest set of the bunch!!!!!  But we sure had fun.  Enjoy your moments!

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