Friday, January 4, 2019

January 4th, 2019 - A Very Busy Day

I can certainly attest that I was NOT bored today.

  • Took Carolyn to her Personal Trainer
  • Great conversation with my son Chad concerning the Real Estate Business
  • Had Rosie's emission check completed.  She passed with flying colors!  (Rosie is our Elantra)
  • Shopping trip to Costco - we always go for 1 item and come home with way more than that.  Today the big extra was a new weather station
  • Did some garage clean-up.  I usually start spring cleaning way before spring gets here.
  • Installed a pond heater in the KOI pond - the old heater lasted almost 6 years.  
  • Played Scrabble
  • Installed the new weather station.  I got a new one, because I couldn't find replacement parts for the old one- plus the new gizmo's and screen readouts are better.
  • Of course I completed my exercises for the day, why would you even question that!
  • Welcomed our grandson home from his visit to Glenwood Springs
  • Played another game of scrabble ( We just got the game yesterday - somehow I give things away thinking we would never use them again...) So we had to buy a new Scrabble set.  I love playing scrabble.
  • Time to relax and watch some TV - or just fall asleep
Oh yah, we were driving down the road and Carolyn spotted this great license plate:

I think that is about it - we do keep busy around here!

Enjoy the first weekend of 2019!

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