Monday, March 11, 2019

What I Do When I Can't Sleep

  1. I wonder why I can't sleep
  2. I check out Amazon for the Zenith Radio project (ZRP)
  3. I make up acronyms
  4. I check out Antique Supplies for the ZRP
  5. I think about meditating - sometimes it helps
  6. I wonder what today will bring
  7. I look at the stack of stuff on my desk
    1. and wonder if I should put it off
    2. or get to it
    3. ignore it
    4. think about it some more
    5. just get it done?
  8. Wonder when I will start bowling again (Long story short - hurt my hip last Thursday night)
  9. Burp
  10. Check out Harvey
  11. Do I want a dog
  12. Think about the trip!
  13. Think about the other trip!
  14. Think about Kabatogama
  15. Think about the Winnipeg River trip!
    1. This year
    2. Next year
    3. Will Carolyn go
    4. Looks like a great adventure
  16. The time change... why do we still do it?  Will it upset the balance of things if we just don't do it any more?  Just think of all the things that will have to be unautomated!  It would be chaos!
  17. Send that thing back to Amazon
  18. To early for breakfast?
    1. or vitamins
    2. or ......
  19. Check email
  20. Check Facebook
  21. Make another list
    1. Make a list of lists
    2. Check the Keychain "To Do" list
  22. Are all the clocks changed (nope, forgot the one in the living room) They aren't all Automatic! Oh and the microwave downstairs - and some of the other battery clocks that I rarely use!
  23. Think about my sibs - love you sibs
  24. Think about mom and dad
  25. Enjoy the moment I'm in!  Yah I like this one!  I think I'll keep it! 

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