Friday, April 12, 2019

Weather Wise

It has been a very adventurous past few days "weather wise".  Temperatures have ranged from 15 - to 75 degrees.  Got the yard all cleaned up, areated, fertilized... ready for yesterday's snow storm- most of which will be melted away by the end of the day.

We are adding - I should say Carolyn is adding - a new fairy garden  One of the two box gardens will be dedicated to fairies (not gnomes) this year.  The height of the gardens will make it easier to give the garden the attention it needs.

Right now I'm deciding what to plant in the other 4 X 4 - micro greens for sure, and probably zucchini and radishes, maybe some dino-kale!

Wrapping up taxes today - the 15th is just around the corner.  Bowling season in one league is all wrapped up, two more leagues to go.  Golf season has started.  I'm going to play my first round of the year on Monday - weather permitting!  I guess that takes this diatribe full circle - enjoy your moments and be well!

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