Sunday, February 3, 2019

Time to Take Care of Trees

We had Swingle (Now Save a Tree) out to estimate taking care of our trees this spring.  We've been using the company for over 30 years now.  Swingle has been purchased by another company, but the guys who came to the house to do the estimate (Charlie and James) knew their stuff.  I still didn't know the names of a couple of our pines - now I know we have a Douglas Fir, Blue Spruce, and Austrian Pine (the big one).  We also have a Birch, 2 Ashe trees, a Hawthorn, several aspen, and a an Eastern Rosebud.  Oh, and a Viburnum and a Dogwood (technically shrubs I think) - and one Rhododendron I planted by our Koi pond.  They were very surprised to see how healthy that plant was - I guess they don't do too well in Colorado soil.

We checked on the Rosebud to make sure she wouldn't harm foundations.  She happens to be right between our house and the neighbors, right on the fence line.  She has damaged the fence - I did do some repairs to that.  Charlie assured me the foundations were not in jeopardy as the root system is fairly shallow and if they do run into foundation they will make a left or right turn and not penetrate.  That is awesome, because the tree is so beautiful during the spring months.  (Not shorting the other trees because they all have their special beauty).

You already know the squirrels love to run around in them and live most of the winter on the Hawthorn berries.  I did learn that the Viburnum berries are poisonous - no wonder the squirrels don't snack on them.  So, bottom line, I learned a lot, got a decent estimate and now I can assure my neighbor no damage will come to their foundation.

Have an awesome day - enjoy the SuperBowl if you are so included.   Oh, yah, the tree to the left is the one we had to leave behind when we sold our old house - I really miss her.  We drive by once in a while just to see how she's doing!

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