Wednesday, January 2, 2019

January 2nd, 2019

Two days in a row.  That is a record.... many years since I've done that.  I forgot to mention in 2018 memories that I had a hole in one!  That is a golf term for putting the ball in the hole from the tee box (just in case you didn't know)!  That was my first one ever.

Today was a busy day.  I put up this "hanging" shelf in the garage when we moved in.  I used  clothesline wire to attach it to the beams.  After 7 years I decided (for safety sake) that I over-engineer it a bit.  I added safety chains to the support points.  Looks darn good even if I do say so myself.

Carolyn and I played Bananagram tonight.  Jeremiah joined us for a game.  It is a fun, fairly fast paced word game - good to know all your 2 letter words if you want to win this one.

Tomorrow is bowling - afternoon and evening.  We are looking forward to it.  I think my game is coming back.  We dropped out of first place by 2.5 points, but have moved back up and can close the game to tie or lead this week.

It was good to see the grandkids over Christmas and New Year's break.  Brooke graduates from college this year and will move back to Denver after graduation.

As for me, I'm always learning new things.  I bought this Daily Brain Games Calendar to stuff in my stocking.  Day 1 I did fine.  Day 2 I can hardly understand the instructions.  Duh -- I got it!

Counting my blessings and there are so many to count.  Today was full of joyful and restful moments.  Make someone happy when you get the chance!

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