Sunday, February 24, 2019

Mindfulness & Living in the Moment

Carolyn and I went to Barnes and Noble to get a scrabble dictionary.  While there we both did some looking around for other things that might be of interest!  I happened upon a small (physically) book entitled The Little Book of Mindfulness .  I read a few pages and decided this book was for me. I think what made the connection for me was on page 6 of the book  "Mindfulness is being aware of or bringing attention to this moment in time, deliberately and without judging the experience." How powerful is that!  That statement, though simple it may seem, really tells one what a joyful life is all about!

February 22, 2019  One of My Special
I continued to browse and found the book Mindfulness for Beginners by Jon Kabat-Zinn.  The other book was written by Dr Patrizia Collard. (I had forgotten to mention that.)  Anyway I bought that book as well.  " present for the unfolding of your moments___". (Page 9)  I don't consider myself a beginner at at least "attempting" to live in the moment!  Nevertheless I am a beginner in exploring the concept as fully as I thought I had.  I guess I'm waxing a bit philosophical here -- I tend to do that sometimes.  I think reflection is a good thing and can lead to the enjoyment of your moments even more fully. Multi-tasking (talk about jumping the subject to another box) takes us away from that.  So bringing one's self to the moment one is truly in may require some effort - meditation helps with that.

If you want to be in the moment - be in it!  Notice the twig on the branch twitching with the wind! Notice the breath being taken, the sound being sensed - notice life and live it!  May all your moments be awesome.  Enjoy one to the fullest as often as you think about doing so!  Life will change for you!  Really it will!

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