Friday, February 15, 2019

Valentine's Day and the Day After

Well, around here Valentine's day is just another manufactured commercial holiday on the calendar.  I did reminisce a bit about gradeschool and handing out the cute little cards to all my classmates - the first few year's of marriage when I felt obligated to celebrate the holiday.  Maybe today I give it some thought, but not much.  Carolyn and I spent the day working on a family project, went bowling (our team mates were moving into their new home - congrats to John and Eunice) and we still managed to win 3 of the 4 points available -- might put us back in first place!

Today - is an immediate family day - us and our four children.  We've been working on this get together since Thanksgiving 2018.  That is one of the reasons we went to Aspen.  It was a quiet together time for Carolyn and I to address Christmas cards and working on or Will Documents.  It has taken us a couple of months to finish that task and prepare for this get together.  We may have overdone the preparation a bit, but I think it is worth it.  I saw what sister Lana went through when mom passed - and I've heard horror stories - even who the passing of parents have torn families apart.  We are providing the kids with, what we think, is all the details to make things easier for them. Today we present the draft documents, get their input, have frank and honest discussion and do some celebrating - breakfast and lunch provided!  Hugs and kisses and some tears shared.  God knows we shed some putting this stuff together. 

We have been and are blessed.  Each and every moment of every day brings with it everything to sadness and pain to joy and celebration - all filled with caring and love for one another.  We don't always understand - but we try too.  We don't always get things right - but we make every effort to do so.  We don't always remember to ....  there are so many things we don't always remember to do, but we always do our best to reach out to each other and do our best to be open to what each other needs. (now I truly am rambling).  I think the reader can get the just and understand that we are a family who cares - I think we care enough to ask forgiveness when we get it wrong and to celebrate the moments that we get it right! Today is going to be full of those moments, whatever they may bring. fini

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