Tuesday, January 1, 2019

January 1st, 2019...

First off, I did not make any written New Year's Resolutions.  Life can be enough of a challenge... without setting one's self up for failure on the first day of the year!  I do have something in mind though and I think it is attainable! (Live a healthier year... communicate better with family and friends!) I kinda kicked that one off last evening and yesterday morning. I did have some accomplishments in 2018:

  • I lost about 45lbs... and only gained 15 of them back.  Now I'm aware and ... well can get back on track
  • We sold our home in Aurora - the one we lived in for more than 36 years - I'll miss that tree, so many memories - Jeremiah was less than 6 months old when we moved to that house!
  • My golf game improved as did my bowling!
  • Stuff that needed fixing around the house got fixed.  I actually undid some of the automated things like lights and fans and put manual switches back in.  Sometimes convenience can be a nuisance.  I am, however, thinking of putting in some "Smart" devices
  • We improved the Koi pond - new liner, new retaining wall, deeper and a couple of new pumps.  
  • The furnace died a couple of weeks ago. Turned out it was 22 years old - so we replaced it!  That event helped me realize we've lived in this home for 7 years.  Time does fly.
  • We had some great parties at the house in 2018 - ending with the Joseph and Margaret Martinez Descendants Annual Christmas Celebration.  At last count we had about 70 guests.  Our children were the hosts, Carolyn and I provided the venue -- it was a wonderful get together!
  • We purchased some Echo Shows for the kids that would accept them (the ones who were not too concerned that they were an evil tool of "big brother"....) we enjoyed lots of remote video conversations with Oscar and a few with Kairi.  Carolyn is getting more comfortable with Alexa!
  • We had a great vacation with sibs and family at the Cliffs in Ridgedale, Missouri.  Brooke and a couple of her friends were there as well.... It was a great week!
  • Carolyn started a new business on the QT or is it DL.  She surprised me with it a couple of months after she started - so Proud of her... she is really sticking with it - the products are awesome and the business plan is excellent!  
  • I talked a lot about fishing, but didn't go fishing - this year I'll do some fishing!
Well, enough for now.  It is good to reflect.  2018 was a great year!  2019 will have its surprises and the full range of feelings, emotions, adventures - whatever it brings - live the moments with openness, joy, love -- what ever touches you in the moment.  Smile often hug often... be yourself!

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