Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm Retired

A couple of folks threw me a surprise party last night. Really cool - some of my closest working associates were there. It was very nice, relaxed, and enjoyable. So where are we? In the airport headed for Las Vegas. Visit some family and attend a conference - well, Carolyn actually attnds, I just hang out.

golfed yesterday. I golfed, my opinion, better than I scored. Not enough discipline, too many penalty shots - some pretty good putting though. I hit some really great iron shots off the tee. I actually ended up in the fairway a couple of times - big event for me lately. My intent is to start scoring in the 90's and shoot scores under 100 when we get to Myrtle beach this year.

Well - so far retirement is good - it has only been 2 days, but I can tell already I'm going to love it.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Countdown - 6 working days and Where's my 401

Hmmm. Retirment still is the right thing for me to do. My 401 has suffered like everyone else's - won't be the first time and probably not the last. Both vehicles had problems this week - well, there are a couple of more pay checks to get through that. All is not lost and, frankly, to me the future looks grand.

We'll be leaving for a conference in Vegas a few days after my official retirement - happens on the 31st of this month by the way. I think we'll have to cut back on a few things, but we will definitely have the time together to do the fun things we really like to do - some of which we have not even discovered yet. Life is an adventure that must be enjoyed.

I'm sitting at the kitchen table this morning - the window to the East is always such a grand view. Even though we live in a populated area, the trees keep our home and view private and awesome.

I raked leaves yesterday evening - piled high - I'll need to take some pictures. I've enjoyed watching the squirrels. I've put some treats in some tough spots to get to. These guys usually figure it out in about an hour - sometimes less. They take risks, squirrels do. By the way - one should watch their tales. They seem to "move with purpose" or "message". I need to learn more about that.

We piled the leaves high around the trunk of the tree in the backyard. It should be interesting to watch them burrow through the leaves this morning.

Be joyful, in every way and in every moment!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

21 Days to Go

The economy and my 401K are in a shambles. Recovery is just around the corner. One can only hope. Whatever, I'm retiring on October 31st. No choice anymore.

I'm not sure I've ever really been happier - though financially a significant amount of wealth has been lost over the past two weeks - 20% or so.

I'm a republican at heart - what a mess this election is. the pundits have already given it to the democrats. Palin is facing some tough issues on the home front -- I do think they've been tougher on a woman candidate than they ever have on any man - and I mean any man.

Frankly i'm surprised anyone ever chooses to run for public office... is it the power - it's got to be something because the humiliation and stress of the position certainly discourages many and yet we tend to crucify public figures, especially in the political arena. They are, after all, mere human beings like the rest of us. yes they should be held to a high standard, but so should we.

I often look at the phrase "It takes one to know one!"... those stone casters are as guilty if not more guilty than those they are throwing the stones at.

I think I need to go fishing!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

In Concert

The world has been topsy turvey since last blog. Been a long time:
  1. More fishing
  2. Trip to the mountains - a week too early for the Aspen Change
  3. Got an official notice and will retire on October 31st of 2008
  4. Attended a jazz concert (subject of this blog)
  5. Went golfing - actually played 18 whole holes.. NPI (No Pun Intended)

The subject of this edition is the concert. My son-in-law, Drew Morell, is a jazz musician. And I must say a darn good one - he may be an even better stage commedian - he surely has great timing. I think practically the whole clan was it this last concert which included duets, quartets, and octets -- with an eclectic combination of instruments.

Music has such healing power and brings a depth of joy that is almost indescribable. The feelings music evokes can be very private and very public at the same time. Watching a 10 month old rocking with head bobs and arms raised in rythm tells us that it is truly a wonderful thing - yet can also be very reflective and spiritual.

The concert, held at the King Center at metro included the following songs:

How About You? (Freed/Lane) - it was a vibrant rendition and arrangement.

Beatrice (Sam Rivers) - really a nifty combination of bass clarinet and piccolo - something I had not heard before. I loved it.

Cherokee (Ray Noble) - they claimed it to be a tough piece with lots of time changes, I only counted 5 but there were probably many more. Is there a 7/8 and a 5/8 in there? If I closed my eyes I could see the native dancing - a wonderful earthy undertone.

Old Man Rebop (Leonard Feather) Excellent bass and Piano - very playful.

Something Borrowed Something Blue (Tommy Flanagan) - nice change of pace - Drew was able to share his guitar skills, hitting the harmonics nicely. One could actually hear the title words in the piano and the guitar. It was an excellent duet - maybe a wee bit too long - but nice.

Once I Loved (Antonio Carlos Jobim) I loved the soprano sax... it has such a neat sound - made for romance.

Dreams of a Sleeping Turtle (Drew Morell) - remember and picture if you can the bobble head turtles - you could hear the slow plodding turtle and just picture in the high notes his dream of being light footed and speedy, yet accepting his patience and methodical nature. I gotta find one of those turtles.

New Breed Leader (Ron Miles) - sorry, I just didn't get it. Except well the new breed of leaders tends to be, in my humble opinion, chaotic in nature. There was a neat juxtaposition of tromone and clarinet. I would rather have heard Dreams of Sleeping Turtle and put this song somewhere else in the mix.

Long standing ovation - Drew has such a great following and is so talented. We love him. His choice of instrumentation and jazz musicians was fantastic. I truly believe this was far and above the best of his concerts (that I have attended) at the King Center. His arrangements were thoughtful and interesting.

What is a G-Trumpet -- nifty looking instrument.

Great job - we'll be back next year!

Monday, September 1, 2008


Did you ever stop and think how connected we all are? I sometimes do, but mostly don't. I'm sitting at Starbucks - a young African American woman sitting across studying - subjects such as organic chemistry. That is one link - come to find out she is an officer in the Air Force studying for a masters degree. Her dad was stationed at Lowry Air Force Base. That is where i met Carolyn -- that, to me is part of our "social conectedness".

So why is that important. We are all connected why can't we get along locally, nationally, or internationally. I suppose for the same reason that we sometimes struggle with thos close to us, brothers and sisters, parents, kids, grandkids - let alone folks we don't "know from Adam". But that doesn't mean that we can't get along to an extent that we end up going to war and killing each other. Does it?Are we so different fundamentally that we can't learn to co-exist on this huge planet of ours?

Yes, the difference in personalities, nationalities, beliefs, color, and language are sometimes great, but isn't that what makes life so beautiful. In nature there are hundreds of different kinds of trees, fish, birds - you get the drift -- we as homosapiens also have those varieties and differences - I think nature (excluding humans) tends to get along within species much better than we as humans do. yah, you can bring up the food chain stuff with fish etc, but that is the natural order of things - bears don't tend to kill each other, nor do cats, horses - except under extreme circumstances-- or maybe, I'm just very naive.

sometimes, we even struggle within ourselves to the point where we as humans will commit suicide rather than live. It doesn't make sense.

We must, each of us recognize that we are of one species, but wse are different and we need to learn to disucss those differences. Sure there are really really bad people - and we need to deal with that in a humane way - but we do need to recognize that humaneness in the other.

And that brings us back to the subject of connectedness - we are all, in one way or another, no matter how slight connected - appreciate that connection and explore it whenever possible. Live the moments you are in - the past is the past, let it go, the future is not yet here - don't dwell on it so much that you lose the present!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Typical Daze

No, it isn't a spelling area. Ever feel like there were days when you were just in a daze. Sometimes I think that is just the way things are and it is very, well "typical". You go from one thing to another - being there, but not really "being there". See, I think being in a daze is definitely the opposite of being in the moment.

Like right now... just experiencing the smells, the colors, the breeze coming through the window, leaves to soon turn color - fluttering, coffee, focus, it is so awesome The awesomeness is in how much we can perceive and sense with our whole being. so how come we go into this "daze". Is it sensory overload - is it a sign of unhappiness with where we happen to be? I don't think so. I do think it is just avoidance of the abundance that is ours to enjoy - because it does, believe it or not, require a level of committment to that moment that we happen to be in.

So - I think I'll go fishing!

And at this point you are all well, maybe someone is asking -- huh? What is the connection. Well, fishing seems to be one of the places it is very easy for me to "be in the moment" and not in a daze!

So love the moments you got! Be in them! Enjoy!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Truth is Out There

Really, it is. I hate to borrow the phrase from x-files but in this case it is the only phrase that really works. There gathered around the campfire near the Oasis Restaurant and the Great Sand Dunes in the San Luis Valley - were 60 or 70 people and ... yes, at least one unknown entity. Carolyn and I arrived late - we listened to Stan speak. After I had gauged that we were in for the durination I went to get Carolyn a chair. I stood directly behind her and watched in toatl disbelief across the circle -- flames flickering in the center. Out of the dark two piercing whitish blue "eyes" surrounded by darkness.

I told myself this is good. these folks even dress up - fully believing that there was someone dressed up as an alien - no one seemed to notice, but I sure did. The eyes were so alive and yet so indescribable. I certainly couldn't believe what I was seeing and I was sure everyone else saw exactly the same thing. The "eyes" never once blinked. The entity appeared to have a camera, though I couldn't tell - 3 amber led's across the top and a weird flash. Was it taking pictures of us?

I glanced away and glanced back several times it was still there, still staring, though now, I think aware that I was aware - I think for at least four minutes. I said not a word - even whent the group was asked if anyone had anything to share. I was very sure this was some sort of practical hoax or just an innocent costume.

Shortly after the "entity" became aware that I was aware it bobbed and suddenly dissappeared. It reappeared - though I didn't see its eyes again on the left of the group briefly and on the right - and I mean appeared, I did not see it move, then was gone and I retired to the car and waited for the "event" to finish.

That isn't all, Carolyn and I somehow lost 2 hours of time driving up to the valley. It is a simple 4 hour drive that took us about 6 and 1/2 hours. Coming home took a bit over 4 hours including stops. Okay, you tell me what happened to two hours. the rain was so hard that we did pull over at one point, but surely we had not pulled over for two hours .... surely we had not. This all happened on the 15th of August, 2008.

Talking about living your moments, but losing 120 minutes?????????

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Short Reprieve

arggg! Yes, I know it isn't a word, but, it does emote some intensity when you say it with the right emphasis.

Carolyn and I celebrated our 41st wedding anniversary this week. Each and every year has been wonderful and we look forward to many more. We are going sky watching this weekend. It is about a 4 hour drive to the Great Sand Dunes and Hooper, Colorado - population 125. Carolyn will do most of the sky watching, I'll be doing something other than sky watching - maybe... I've not made my mind up yet.

It'll be fun whatever we do. You know, I remember as a kid skywatching at Montezuma's country club. Mom, Dad, myself and brothers and sisters watched the daytime skys for airplanes. I think it was from a cinderblock pump station for the club house pool. There was a phone on the wall. If we saw an airplane or something, we had to compare it to a chart of shapes that were on a sheet of paper, and then call it in. That had to be in the mid 1950's - it was part of the families civic duties. Hmmmmm interesting corellary -- I think Carolyn and about 100 other sky watchers will be looking for something else!

Went to see Dark Knight - gotta go see it again. Carolyn had her eyes closed for most of the movie. The Joker was fantastic - Bruce Wayne was one of the best yet. I think this and Batman the Beginning are the best two of the series. They both followed the original 3 or 4.

Patti - where are you? I did hear from the rest of the family. I don't think Patti likes or looks at email - I myself probably spend way too much time at the computer. I find it peaceful.

Fishing hasn't been great lately, but I still like to go. The skys are gray and it has finally cooled down a bit. The grass, laying dormant, is finally coming back to life again -- it really got hit hard this summer.

Take a break, have some fun, enjoy life!

Monday, August 4, 2008

It Has Been Awhile

Toooooo Hot to fish. I'm traveling this week. I've been lazy. We saw one bad movie and one pretty good movie this weekend. Skip X-files. They have totally lost their way -- "The Truth is NOT OUt there".

On the ohter hand Branden Fraiser and Jet Li's mummy movie is loads of fun and non-stop action - you'll enjoy that if you like action flicks.

I know this isn't much - but, it is something. Keep your moments precious, they are allyou have.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I Love It -

Well, many things. My new 3 iron and the Hybrid 21 degree were worth the price. Carolyn and I went golfing with C and W last evening. We had a blast - played 9 at Fitzsimmons then a great supper at Mama Alvino's. (left overs today, yummy)

Fishing hasn't been great lately - I'm trying everything and I'm not about to give up. I may go out after work today - if it cools down a bit.

Well, I know it isn't much, but it is something.

Enjoy your moments...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It Has Been Written

I got official notice it was read, therefore, it was written. Thank you son - at least those were the initials.

Busy, busy, busy. That is the way things are right now. Hot, hot, hot - that is weather right now. I wish we could get some of that mid-America rainfall.

Have yourself excellent moments and an excellent day!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Who Cares Anyway?

Well, I do for one. There is the realization that no one reads these things. I don't read other blogs - but then, I've never looked for other blogs or don't know anyone who has one.

I was thinking this morning though - if no one ever reads it, is it ever really written? Sort like the question of the tree falling in the woods. It is a philosophical question. It isn't what is written so much as the writing itself that is important - even cathartic. I am definitely more dedicated to this than to maintenance of the family web site... which definitely needs some updating.

I was excited to do it when I first started - but sort of drifted when nonone really seemed to care. Perhaps they do, but just don't ever mention it. I don't check the statistics to see if it has even been accessed.

Went fishing this morning with the lovely Carolyn. I caught 2 something or others - one on a rap pearch and one on a little gold spinner. Nothing else. We didn't keep either fish as I was really looking for a walleye - I might have kept a big crappie too - but, alas, didn't get one.

I still have frozen trout in the fridge - so wasn't interested in them.

If Tanner reads this -- I got gimbaled cup holders... cheap ones, but they are mounted and ready to go.

I really would like to get out and play some golf this week I got a 3 iron I want to check out. Maybe a quikie 9 holes some cool evening. I also got a new Lob wedge and 1 of those 21 degree trouble hybrids - a Dimension Z to match the rest of my clubs.

Well - the next 4 weeks will be a roller coaster (is that one word?)! Especially of emotions I think.

The most important thing for me to remember and focus on right now -- each and every precious and beautiful moment! Carolyn asked me "what is it about fishing that you love so much?" Easy answer - when I'm on the lake - there is nothing in the world that is on my mind - a big empty - anticipation for the bite -- but not a lot -- mostly just nothing - a meditation of creation, peace - and jubilation. It is a celebration of universality!

So, if no one reads it, is it really written?

Sunday, July 6, 2008


What are they for? Well, more than anything, I think they are for enjoyment, laughter, family, alone time, movies and popcorn, fishing and golf for the non-retired, that kind of stuff.

Carolyn is off on another adventure later today - she is becoming a real activist in some things - the things that she especially enjoys. I'm not much of an activist myself. But, I do support her in whatever she chooses to be active in.

I'm putting in new doors (interior). This house is a mess from construction or settling perspective. Nothing is square. I'm working on the first door, did all the measurements and crap -- nothing is fitting. A two our job is going to take 50 hours I think. I managed to get the metal door jam's out -- easier than I thought it would be, a hack saw and a claw hammer and they wre gone.

However, when you measure the jam at the top and it is 30 " and at the bottom it is 29 1/2", argg. Then you buy these hollow core doors, with 1" blocking, or pre hung doors - trying to make them fit is well, extremely frustrating. I will get there. I gotta admit, the new door does look better than the old door - which our son had artfully decorated with some strange beings.

The weather is finally a bit cooler today. So, I'm getting some outside work done. Did I say I think I'll go fishing this evening?

Well, enough for now - enjoy your moments, they are limited!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Reality Hits

Not really - reality is always with us, sometimes we just don't realize it -really. The beauty of being "in the moment" is that you are in reality all the time. there came a moment this morning that I did, though, realize that my heart really isn't in it anymore -- work that is. Now, that is a a confession of sorts because the last couple of years have been the best and most rewarding working years that one can live - interesting, challenging, great people, failures, successes, team work, laughter and yes, even a few tears.

So, where is all of this leading (aside from the slight fear that someone might actually read this)? An opportunity has come up and I'm hoping to take advantage of it. That could mean a whole new, more relaxed, more joyful - if you can imagine that, more family focused life style. The paper work has been submitted. I'll know in a couple of weeks.

In the meantime, I'll continue giving 100% - one really can't give 110% or more - 100% is really all we all have.

Be in your moments - live, love, laugh, linger!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Fishing, Golfing, and carpentry

yes, well - don't buy those cheapy doors at home depot. Nuff said. We live in an old houese with metal door jams. Nothing is square, they are all different sizes.. argg. Well, bottom line, if igured out how to geth the darn things out -- hack saw and hammer, 2 cuts, and yank. Now i can replace with a door that is pre-hung.

golf - I hit the heck out of a 4 iron at Myrtle beach this year. I ordered a matching 3 iron today. Look out guys. I passed on the 2 iron to make sure i can hit the 3 iron first. I'm playing golf in the morning with my sons-in-law. It should be fun.

Fishing - Carolyn has basically said I can get a "bigger boat" - I need to cure that Canada boat and motor envy. I'm shopping. I did promise I'd get the kitchen cabinets done first. So - I got lots to do - lots. Carolyn and I went fishing at Chatfield Sunday. it was a bust - 1 tiny something or other i didn't even recognize. We were fishing fake stuff. I'll have to try some live bait next trip - other folks said they were catching some walleyes. Must be too many in the lake because the limit is 5, not 4, like the rest of the state. I'll be going back out soon.

Life is soooooo good. I'm enjoying it likeeach and every moment is absolutely special - try it. You'll like it!

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Reunion

Bottom line it was an excellent family reunion. It was well attended - from the eldest to the very youngest. Some folks came a long way. Kathy and Jim hosted it on a piece of property that has been in the family for many years - beautiful stream, camping bowerie (sp - bowery?), camp fire site, horseshoes, trampolines, golf course ( yup - a golf course), swings and beautiful trees.

We shared memories of grandma and grampa Collins - it was clear that grampa was somewhat of a story teller and it was also clear that he and grandma were dearly loved and remembered by all they touched. I think especially memorable were the stories of the feather board, the hole in the floor, the fishing...

We certainly had plenty to eat (5lbs gained by me). I'll work hard to lose that this week. Carolyn and I got to spend quality time with Mum and Dad, Jacque and Howard, and Sharon and Danny. Mike and Vicki - had more trouble in two days than anyone deserves in a year - and didn't complete the journey.

Somehow I was convinced - well, Carolyn and I were convinced - to host this thing in 2010. I'll be recruiting some help from the kids.

We all received some family memory and geneology books that Kathy and Jim put together for us. All of us had sent in pictures and memories - makes for a good read. I promised to get copies made for those that were not able to attend.

It was good to be together and see some cousins not seen in a long time, some nephews and nieces and such. Mom and Jim are the only two siblings with us now - it is good to see that they are so vital and giving of themselves to all of us. Family is, afterall, one of the most important relationships we all have!! Enjoy and remember each other.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Golf Trip

What a trip. What heat. What exhaustion. What great golf. I think I did better this year than in the past although -- I lost the banana split tournament again, and brought home the alligator once again. I did find out that I can hit the heck out of a 4 iron though. Time to put away the driver, or find one I can hit. It just doesn't feel right getting up on the tee box with an iron when everyone else has these clubs with humongous heads. Oh well, it is the results that count. I'm gonna try a 3 iron, then a 2 iron and see what I can do.

The guys were all great, but we all struggled a bit with 36 holes a day - especially with the hot weather. We'll be modifying that next year. Mostly 18 hole days and 1 or 2 ( at most ) 36 hole days. There are a few courses where we could do 27 holes. Some of the layouts, like Heather Glen and World Tour are made of 3 9's. We could probably do that.

I started the week of a winner, ended up down a few bucks. BF - man can he hit a ball - when he is on. His game was looking really great the last couple of rounds and he came out the big winner.

GG had his stuggles, threw a club or two - all in frustration -- all in all, though, he was driving the ball pretty good and putting - well in ordinantly well.

MT - Always in the fairway - consistent drives, couldn't hit an iron to save his life. For the more statesman guy on the trip he done great.

Now for me LF - I don't get too down on myself, but.... I did have a lot of water balls (statistics to come). For some reason, if you put a pond in front of me, or beside me, I find it -- even though others would say the water isn't even in play!!! I'm committed, absolutely committed to being a better golfer by our next trip. Yet another reason to think more about retirement.

We played some really good new courses. The thing about Myrtle is there are a lot of really neat layouts, pretty courses, and lots of different kinds of trouble to get into. Caladonia and Heritage are still tops -- just absolutely beautiful. I'm already looking forward to next year! See you on the links!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Back in Colorado

No interenet out there. Well, extremely limited. So I just waited for home. What a great trip to Canada -- despite all the driving and high gas prices, the trip was worth it. Funny that I find myself a bit speechless at the moment. I did feel it necessary to at least post something - habit you know.

Pickup, boat, trailer, new motor, all worked extremely well. One minor problem with the motor, but being a good "McGyver" I took care of that - I'll have to plead a bit with the dealer so the warranty isn't violated, but I've got all the good reasons in the world.

Wolfgang caught his first walleyes and northerns. We got some excellent pictures, and, can perhaps share some of those.

And who said Lanny can't drive for more than an hour. We drove 2850 miles on this trip. I drove all but 3.5 hours. Carolyn actually enjoyed driving the pickup truck though. It didn't seem to be as tiring - maybe it is the comfort - as driving a car that far.

We had all the weather - sun, sleet, snow, rain, sun. On the second morning, our boats were all a mess -- the back end of mine (stern) was sunk and half the boat flooded. Wolfgang and i got it bailed out and by midday, the weather was great and we were fishing again.

I learned a lot on this trip, made every mistake imaginable - and I mean every mistake one would think I could make with boats, ropes, motors, anchors - all of them.

Well, more to come! have a great day. I think one of the big lessons we all learned on this trip, is that almost everything we take so serious when it comes to problems, are really pretty trivial things...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Just about ready!

Got the new electrical panel installed. Cleaned up the wiring for the depth finder. Found a rim for the spare tire.... Just a few things left to do.

Had a great visit and outing with some friends from the past - I still can't golf for crap, but I hit some good ones. Thanks guys for a great time.

Talk about the great comedy

Eric and I got the new motor installed on the boat. Next step - take it for a trial run and make sure everything is working -- everything.

First, even reading the instructions, it wasn't easy to get the thing tilted for transportation, but, I did figure that out.... I need to buy one of those transom gizzmo's.

Picked up Trenton and Eric, stopped at the gas station bought some high octane gas - the boat guy said by the best, you'll be sorry if you don't. Okay...

Got to Cherry Creek. Only 15 folks in line waiting to put their ships ( I swear some of em were ships) in the water. Went fast though, room for 7 or 8, if you are good at backing up. Lana you'd be proud - I done good.

Eric finish's off and we are in the water.... I hook up the electricity and push the start button. Nuthin, absolutely nuthin. Of course, the fuel line was still in the truck!! -- Eric gets back, I said we need the fuel line - sorry.

I'm looking, Trenton is looking, the back end of the boat is definitely sinking. I open up the lid and the battery compartment and fuel compartment are half full of water. Oops, forgot to put in the plug....

Flip on the bilge pump-- you guessed it, it wasn't hooked up to the battery either.

I find the plug get it in, back end stops sinking

Eric returns, we have the situation under control. Hook up the fuel line - push the starter button, nuthin! Okay, don't panic, what did I forget now, let's see -- oh yah, that little red switch has to be in the up position. Push the starter button - smooth as silk, we are in business. But wait, we only have two life jackets. We send Eric off again! Of course the trailer and truck are at the far end of the parking lot. Of he goes -- what a trooper.

He gets back to the boat. We are just about to take off .. Crap, I forgot the camera and more importantly I forgot the temporary license for the boat. I'll go this time.

Get back to the boat, damn, the fish finder, depth thingy. One more trip to the pickup -- I think we are ready to go!

Snap in the depth finder Nuthin! You gotta hook up the electricity for that too. Well at least we didn't have to go back to the shore and treck to the pickup truck. Okay, now we are finally off - yes, really, we are.

We do all the right things from then on out. Try to follow the break-in instructions, 3/4 for so long, full for so long, nothing for too long, forward, reverse Try the Aerator - works good. Took pictures to prove we did the deed. Spent a few hours on the water, just tooling, and exploring, depth finder seemed to work, saw fish.

Okay - Bilge pump stopped working. I knew that fuse holder was kinda cralppy. I'll replace the electrical panel for sure.. Need to add a switch for the depth finder anyway. May as well do it right.

Fish finder also needs to be moved -- very inconvenient where I put it. Interesting how different things seem on the water than when sitting on the trailer in the drive way.

So lots of lessons learned today. Don't be rushed by the long lines of boats waiting. Make sure you have everything on board before parking the truck and trailer. Make sure you have all the electrical hooked up, the gas line in the boat, the gas tank full - oh, and get a better seat for the driver. I bought too cheap, no support --

Boat 4000$$ Motor 3000$ An afternoon with son-in-law and grandson on the lake -- absolutely priceless!

Enjoy your moments

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Its Saturday morning. I went for a long walk this morning. The beautiful Carolyn walks every day - she slept in today. What an absolutely awesome day! about 48 degrees, sunny, fluffy clouds, meadowlarks, herons, red wing blackirds, and the pond at the park, one of them nearly full. Spring melt hasn't really hit us yet. It could be a doozy (Not sure that is a word). I certainly hope it is a slow melt - the mountain lakes are really low.

I sent a note to a few folks yesterday - inviting them to read my ramblings - some did! It was nice to hear from them. I saw a lot of squirrels this morning. I love squirrels, I'm not quite sure why -- maybe it is the touching story my Mum told me about. I'll share wome day. But for today:

Cool breeze,
A pair of mallards,
Nature sings...

We saw 5 coyotes in the park the other day. It is really an open space nature trail. Carolyn was watching the Aurora channel and sure enough - Coyote's, deer, fox, have all been spotted. A pack though, is kinda worrysom (sp) to me, especially when Carolyn walks there alone. There has never been any report of anyone being attacked though. I think my brother would like to see that. So, that brings up another subject...

I'm so proud of my family, brothers, sisters, mom and dad -- all and my sons and daughters. They really do try and live life to the fullest and give 100%. I know - I hear of folks that give 110 or 150 percent. How can they 100 per cent is what there is! Now, that probably means that those who are giving less, are really only posting 50-99 percent. It also reminds me of a phrase I once heard about where on is on the scale of whatever -- Let's say there are 5 places to be and if you are in position number 3, well, you are "top of the bottom, bottom of the top, cream of the crap!" Doesn't have a real nice ring to it. Performance ratings suck! And yes, that is yet another topic - I think I'll address it in the future.

In the meantime, if you are not enjoying what you are doing, do something else!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Getting Ready to Go

Let's see - the boat motor isn't in yet. Argggggggg. I guess you should buy those in the winter time. Everything else is set for Canada - gotta get the gallon of oil for shore lunch. I also need to get a new review for the driver side door - I'll do that today. Let's see...maybe it'll be a bit less hectic next year.

I am ready for Myrtle beach as well. Golf clubs out, need to be cleaned. Should try and play a few holes. Tanner will be upset if I miss the ball on my first swing. Gotta start somewhere though. Which driver do I take this year, maybe none - 3 Wood seems to work just fine. I just keep wondering when we'll (speaking for the others) stop thinking we are pros and start hitting from a shorter set of tees!

The weather is really well, Colorado like. Day before yesterday, snow, rain, hail, sun - and shorts.

Today is drizzling and moody... you notice things like that when you live in the moment. That is my redundant suggestion for the day -- live in the moment, it is very interesting!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

0 dark 30

That's a time of day in case you didn't know. Like this morning - who in their right mind is up a 3am - working or blogging. Well, I am. It has been one of those wonderful sleepless nights where creativity and ideas flow that meet a specific need or question. The answers and words are just there - and one has to take advantage of those moments.

I've got some deliverables for today - and I'm almost done with them - go figure. Maybe that will give me a bit of extra time to finish the lists of do this and that for the Canada trip. One great piece of news was my grandson said yes - he's coming along- that despite all of the warnings of cold mornings, lots of hours in the boat and such. Life is great isn't it?

I'll have a lot of extra conscious moments to enjoy today!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Was that Weird or What

So, I go to my blog today and it is in Spanish. What? How did that happen. I did get it back to English. Interestingly, Carolyn and I are wanting to learn Spanish. I finally went so far as to get a quote on Rosetta Stone language package. It isn't cheap, but not really too bad.We are at Starbucks this morning - planning our Canada trip. Lots to prepare in a couple of short weeks. Is it considered narcissistic if you blog, and you know you are the only one that reads the blog? I'm not really sure. It's a bit arrogant to think that anyone else would be interested in Lanny's ramblings - but what the heck. I say go for it anyway.
Like I think I've said - it is enjoyable just writing. I called mom (likes to be called "mum" - English background maybe). She's going out with the kids that are still in Iowa. Carolyn will get calls today. The kids in Iowa are taking Mum out this morning, someplace in Oskaloosa. I know she will enjoy it. Dad is off on a trip to New Mexico - bowling.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Experiment

So far - so very few. But it is meditative, to write and view one's own thoughts. Maybe that is what blogging is all about. I hear Mr. Blitzer talk about "my blog" as if it were a creation of great important. Frankly I'm not all that impressed with Mr. Blitzer. On TV every other word out of his mouth is "situation room". (I know, it is two words, not one, but you get the point.

I think I will experiment a bit with color tonight. How wonderful it is to be able to do these things with out really knowing how to do it. Even some of those commands that I use in other tools like word programs work here. Thanks blog folks. Duh, it says it'll do it right below doesn't it. funny how I just noticed that.

Had a great road trip this week. I think a lot was accomplished. I'm sure psyched about my team. They've accomplished and grown a lot over the past year or so -- and they just get better which means my job gets a lot easier.

I heard from a stranger - well friend - I had not heard from in years. Interestingly asking for information about the company I work for (Lockheed Martin). Good to hear from them again though.

You know, I haven't seen any squirrels on this trip. Seems strange. I like squirrels- they are wonderful creatures. My sister likes to eat them. Well, they are pretty good, especially the way she cooks them up. Hmmmmmm this could be interesting.

Well, getting closer to vacation time, still lots to prepare for - in the morning I'm off for home!

Remember that cat door I put in. Well, I guess the cat is going out, but he's having trouble with coming back in. We'll figure that one out this weekend.

Enjoy the folks in your life, the animials, the plants, the UFOs, the things that "flip your bic". That is what you have them for -- enjoyment. Put a shine on someone else's face - it'll put a shine on yours. Always - live your moments!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

From Bethesda with Love

Just another day in the life of Lanny. I get really messed up flying East. I tend to get up earlier, stay up later, and be a lot hungrier than when I'm back in Denver. Carolyn always wonders why I'm so tired when I get home. Just the way it is.

waiting for the first meeting of the day and it is 6AM Denver time, but already after 8 in the East. Nothing more to share at the moment... maybe some amendments later today. Have an excellent day and literally thousands of outstanding moments.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Golf, Myrtle Beach

That trip too is coming up. The challenge has been raised. I got the cat door finished today. Pretty darn good job even if I say so myself. I need to get to a movie. Tomorrow is a very early day. so how's that for a little confusion factor.

what a great day this has been. Coffee and tea at our favorite spot. A bit of shopping, lawn mowed and raked, filter's changed where filters needed to be changed, quiet time with Carolyn - a mystery - Campion-, emails written and lots of relaxation.

got a note from Kindle last evening. she is creating yet another new web site - this one has a really wonderful mission and has obviously had a lot of thought put into it.

I'm tired - it has been an awesome day - no words of wisdom or anything else this evening. Live life, love life, give life, be alive!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Just Another Day?

There really isn't such a thing as "just another day". Every day is unique in its context, beauty, moments, realities, and parallel places. Well, just a clue to what is real and what is not real. Maybe it is all real.

Went shopping for a bigger motor for the boat, the timeline is going to be real tight - but, I think it well make it. Grandson Trenton called and asked if the boat was ready. We are going fishing Saturday if the weather gets a bit better.

Kindle is our daughter, she has a couple of great websites. What a neat kid - vegproject.org and veggietrip.com . Check em out if you get a chance.

Back to fishing (I do tend to wander a bit, so if anyone is reading, just hang in there!) I got my fishfinder, boat roaps (docking rope), anchor rope, a couple of cleats, some rod holders - stow and fish, some Cajun line - my sister highly recommends it - and it isn't expensive! I also got some of those new fake marinated minnows.. could save me some money this year. Minnows are very expensive - at least they were last year. We had contests to see who could catch the most fish on one minnow - if I recall one of the guys caught like 12 on one minnow -- seems impossible to me, but when the fish are biting. even when there is only a fin left, it works.

I am so excited that I can hardly stand it -- just like the Pointer Sisters song.

Please take care, enjoy each moment - share them when you can - smile at someone you haven't smiled at for awhile - keeps you young and brightens their day!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Just another day in Colorado

snow, yup, snow -- didn't stay long, wet, even got to fertilize the yard. Hard to believe, fishing yesterday - 80+ outside, snow today. It has been a good day all in all.

Carolyn is at her first Thursday event with other ufologists. I've been a couple of times, it can be interesting. I actually think I've had a couple of encounters. Maybe I'll share sometime -- maybe not.

Went shopping for a bigger motor for the boat today. Got to do something since if I'm going to run it before heading up North. I'm really looking forward to this trip with Carolyn and my sister. There is nothing better - meal wise, then a great fresh caught walleye shore lunch.

I mentioned May Basket day yesterday -- I think today would really have been the correct day. I didn't leave any this year, haven't since I was a kid - but i do remember it as being fun.

No philosophy today, just a mere data dump. have an excellent tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

May Basket Day

I remember such a day. Neat little baskets of mints, candy, left on the doorstep of a friend. Just another social event that has gone by the wayside.

Took the boat out on the water today- the inaugural or maiden voyage if you will. At least under this ownership. Carolyn and I went to Cherry Creek Reservoir -- I gotta tell you, these boaters were friendlier and more helpful than a lot of folks I've met around here. Getting the boat launched, getting it back out of the water and on to the trailer. We took away a lot of lessons - like don't forget to undo all the tie downs -- the boat wants to stay on the trailer if you don't.

Motor all the way up or it scrapes the bottom. We certainly have a list of things to do - new tie lines, a couple of dock bumpers, store before you go, better battery holder, put the fuel hose on in the right direction -- there is actually an arrow on the ball! I never noticed that before.

Also, even if the light turns green on the battery charger, it doesn't mean the battery is good. So, one more new battery coming up.

How many horses did it take to pull a stage coach. 8 isn't much to push a boat through the water. i'm a looking for something bigger. May have to dip into some savings before going to Canada.

Definitely need to organize the stowing -- and know what is where.

By the way, Carolyn got the only bite -- we actually did a little fishing. what a gorgeous day and what a great place to be.

We, Carolyn and I, were both very pleased with this afternoon's brief adventure. Oh gosh and we really need a better way to tie down the battery! Those suckers are heavy!!!!!! I think it is time for a Haiku --

On the lake
Gulls, Pelicans, Sails
A breeze breaks the calm!

have an excellent day! Value and live each and every moment!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Where are you Montezuma

Yesterday I tried getting hold of telephones in Montezuma. Area code 641-623-whatever. No rings. I talked to my sister. I guess the phones and internet got hit by a big lightning bolt a few days back. I was happy that there cell phones still work. I'll have to check today and see if they are back in business.

I was pretty much raised in Montezuma - well 2nd grade on - but grew up there. Its a place where mom could let us out of the house and we could go hiking around Diamond Lake or the woods - exploring to our hearts content.

That's where we had our dogs, King, Harold, others I'm sure. The ones we kids promised to take care of, but dad really did all of the work. I was trying to remember how many different houses we lived in during my 10 years there -- B.., G..., M..., C... I just don't recall - they certainly all became homes though. Can you imagine a graduating class (high school) of 41 - biggest ever to that date (1963). Gosh, this is 2008 - 45 years ago I graduated from high school. I don't think we are even having a reunion. They were never really well attended.

My poor recollection was that folks from out of town came, but the home folks didn't -- strange and probably a misperception. I often remember the names of my classmates, the faces, the good memories, and some not so good memories. there is that web site that I see at least 8 members of our class listed now. I've scanned all the old documents -- there truly are some great memories.

I seem to recall though, that I had more nicknames, some very weird than any of the other kids. I wonder why - . We weren't always so kind as kids -- well, maybe not even so kind as adults sometimes. But still - it was a wonderful time, first job, first car, first pickupl truck, first kiss - for some folks anyway.

Ah, life is good. Have an excellent day! Create some memories!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pickup, Boat, and Trailer

Along with the birthday of our youngest son - now 29, and our first grandson, now 10 - Carolyn and I cleaned the cab of the pickup, hooked up the wiring and towed the boat for the very first time. we went to a paking lot to practice. It went well. It didn't go quite as well on a crowded busy street, but we did get it parked - backing up and all. Canada here we come. (The neighbor girls got a good laugh -- )

I do plan on taking the boat for a "maiden voyage" under its new ownership this week. I'm as excited as a teenager.

Back to the birthdays. We visited the Chad and family yesterday. We took Jeremiah (29) and Kairi out to lunch today. We also edged the sidewalks, bundled sticks and stuff into the appropriate length for trash pick-up. Mundane stuff, but so fun when you share the fun with someone who loves you and whom you love so much.

I guess that is the wisdom of the month -- even chores can be fun when you are in the moment. There are all kinds of wealth in the world - it isn't just money or financial security. When I see Jeremiah with Kairi - the affection from a young girl to her dad and the care of Jeremiah for her almost brings tears to my eyes. Perhaps, the wealth is pretty much in our relationships for without them - it can be very, very lonely. My advice, nurture them, nurture all of your relationships - when you feel it in your gut, pick up the phone or drop by - say a special thought, it may be just what they need right then and there.

and that of course brings one to the beauty of children -- they are so in the moment, tell it like it is and are so full of joy... I think that we, as adults, teach it out of them - or discipline it out of them. We can learn so much from children -- so much!

Watch a child today, learn something new -- better yet watch a child every day next week - it could change your life.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


These are not just any other day of the week, though, sometimes they feel like it. I'm an early birder today, trying to get wireless working on one of the 4 computers we have hooked up here. Some success - some failures, but gotta keep trying.

I'm getting ready for a few weeks of vacation. Headed to Canada, then to Myrtle Beach, then to somewhere in Utah for a family reunion. So right now, I'm concentrating on the boat. I just bought one, then I needed to get a picku-up to pull the boat. Got the boat from my Goddaughter's husband, and the pick-up from my son-in-law. Yesterday I put in the rod holders. Now I'm working on the electrical.

Life teaches us these lessons - sometimes we learn them well, sometimes we need to be taught again. Not sure why I wait until so close to vacation time to start preparing and making sure everything is in order - maybe it is the last minute adrenalin rush (I was this way with college papers as well).

Maybe someday the grandkids will read these and get to know grandpa better (they used to call me grumpa! - maybe I still am, but they haven't called me that in awhile)!

So, have yourself another really great day - don't loose sight of the important things in life - you know, those moments that pass by so quickly, you can't get them back! Enjoy them as they come.

Friday, April 25, 2008


I've always been a bit of a blogger, even when it didn't know it was blogging.. Maybe even before blogging existed. I used to write rather long articles on our family website... of course the only one that read them was me, while I was writing them. There is a therapy in writing - and every onece in awhile something wonderful and new comes to mind and you feel like (well I felt like) you really created something almost eleoquent in its simplicity.

So I went about searching for how to create a blogsite... googled it, and here I am. Nothing fancy for now, just writing for writing sake.

I'm 62 going on 63. I still work full time - enjoying it more than ever - there is something very freeing about this age when it comes to the work place. Maybe I'll explore that sometime as well.

I noted when I set this up that I could publish it somewhere else - and I may do that eventually, but, let's see what happens.

My first grandson will be , hmmm, well, a year older on the 27th. The kids moved back to Colorado from Blue Springs, Missouri a few weeks ago. They are so happy to be back here. Something about those mountains really keep drawing one back.

To another subject. For a period of about 4 years I used to write a daily - Where's Lanny to my staff and certain team members. I followed that up with little missives and stories -- I guess I was blogging then to.

Maybe someone will read and comment - I'll see. Whatever the situation you find yourself in, find the positive - and enjoy each and every moment.