Thursday, August 14, 2008

Short Reprieve

arggg! Yes, I know it isn't a word, but, it does emote some intensity when you say it with the right emphasis.

Carolyn and I celebrated our 41st wedding anniversary this week. Each and every year has been wonderful and we look forward to many more. We are going sky watching this weekend. It is about a 4 hour drive to the Great Sand Dunes and Hooper, Colorado - population 125. Carolyn will do most of the sky watching, I'll be doing something other than sky watching - maybe... I've not made my mind up yet.

It'll be fun whatever we do. You know, I remember as a kid skywatching at Montezuma's country club. Mom, Dad, myself and brothers and sisters watched the daytime skys for airplanes. I think it was from a cinderblock pump station for the club house pool. There was a phone on the wall. If we saw an airplane or something, we had to compare it to a chart of shapes that were on a sheet of paper, and then call it in. That had to be in the mid 1950's - it was part of the families civic duties. Hmmmmm interesting corellary -- I think Carolyn and about 100 other sky watchers will be looking for something else!

Went to see Dark Knight - gotta go see it again. Carolyn had her eyes closed for most of the movie. The Joker was fantastic - Bruce Wayne was one of the best yet. I think this and Batman the Beginning are the best two of the series. They both followed the original 3 or 4.

Patti - where are you? I did hear from the rest of the family. I don't think Patti likes or looks at email - I myself probably spend way too much time at the computer. I find it peaceful.

Fishing hasn't been great lately, but I still like to go. The skys are gray and it has finally cooled down a bit. The grass, laying dormant, is finally coming back to life again -- it really got hit hard this summer.

Take a break, have some fun, enjoy life!

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