Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Typical Daze

No, it isn't a spelling area. Ever feel like there were days when you were just in a daze. Sometimes I think that is just the way things are and it is very, well "typical". You go from one thing to another - being there, but not really "being there". See, I think being in a daze is definitely the opposite of being in the moment.

Like right now... just experiencing the smells, the colors, the breeze coming through the window, leaves to soon turn color - fluttering, coffee, focus, it is so awesome The awesomeness is in how much we can perceive and sense with our whole being. so how come we go into this "daze". Is it sensory overload - is it a sign of unhappiness with where we happen to be? I don't think so. I do think it is just avoidance of the abundance that is ours to enjoy - because it does, believe it or not, require a level of committment to that moment that we happen to be in.

So - I think I'll go fishing!

And at this point you are all well, maybe someone is asking -- huh? What is the connection. Well, fishing seems to be one of the places it is very easy for me to "be in the moment" and not in a daze!

So love the moments you got! Be in them! Enjoy!

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