Saturday, October 11, 2008

21 Days to Go

The economy and my 401K are in a shambles. Recovery is just around the corner. One can only hope. Whatever, I'm retiring on October 31st. No choice anymore.

I'm not sure I've ever really been happier - though financially a significant amount of wealth has been lost over the past two weeks - 20% or so.

I'm a republican at heart - what a mess this election is. the pundits have already given it to the democrats. Palin is facing some tough issues on the home front -- I do think they've been tougher on a woman candidate than they ever have on any man - and I mean any man.

Frankly i'm surprised anyone ever chooses to run for public office... is it the power - it's got to be something because the humiliation and stress of the position certainly discourages many and yet we tend to crucify public figures, especially in the political arena. They are, after all, mere human beings like the rest of us. yes they should be held to a high standard, but so should we.

I often look at the phrase "It takes one to know one!"... those stone casters are as guilty if not more guilty than those they are throwing the stones at.

I think I need to go fishing!

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