Friday, April 25, 2008


I've always been a bit of a blogger, even when it didn't know it was blogging.. Maybe even before blogging existed. I used to write rather long articles on our family website... of course the only one that read them was me, while I was writing them. There is a therapy in writing - and every onece in awhile something wonderful and new comes to mind and you feel like (well I felt like) you really created something almost eleoquent in its simplicity.

So I went about searching for how to create a blogsite... googled it, and here I am. Nothing fancy for now, just writing for writing sake.

I'm 62 going on 63. I still work full time - enjoying it more than ever - there is something very freeing about this age when it comes to the work place. Maybe I'll explore that sometime as well.

I noted when I set this up that I could publish it somewhere else - and I may do that eventually, but, let's see what happens.

My first grandson will be , hmmm, well, a year older on the 27th. The kids moved back to Colorado from Blue Springs, Missouri a few weeks ago. They are so happy to be back here. Something about those mountains really keep drawing one back.

To another subject. For a period of about 4 years I used to write a daily - Where's Lanny to my staff and certain team members. I followed that up with little missives and stories -- I guess I was blogging then to.

Maybe someone will read and comment - I'll see. Whatever the situation you find yourself in, find the positive - and enjoy each and every moment.

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